Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Do.: råma saila sobhå nirakhi bharata hædaya° ati pemu,<br />

tåpasa tapa phalu påi jimi sukh∂ siråne° nemu.236.<br />

Beholding the beauty of ›r∂ Råmaís hill (Citrakµu¢a) Bharataís heart overflowed with<br />

love even as an ascetic who has reaped the fruit of his penance rejoices on the<br />

completion of his vow. (236)<br />



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Cau.: taba keva¢a µu° ce° caRhi dhå∂, kaheu bharata sana bhujå u¢hå∂.<br />

nåtha dekhiahiÚ bi¢apa bisålå, påkari ja≈bu rasåla tamålå.1.<br />

jinha tarubaranha madhya ba¢u sohå, ma≈ju bisåla dekhi manu mohå.<br />

n∂la saghana pallava phala lålå, abirala chåha° sukhada saba kålå.2.<br />

månahu° timira arunamaya rås∂, birac∂ bidhi sa°keli suamå s∂.<br />

e taru sarita sam∂pa goså° ∂, raghubara paranaku¢∂ jaha° chå∂.3.<br />

tulas∂ tarubara bibidha suhåe, kahu° kahu° siya° kahu° lakhana lagåe.<br />

ba¢a chåyå° bedikå banå∂, siya° nija påni saroja suhå∂.4.<br />

In the meantime the Niåda chief ran and climbed up an eminence, and lifting his<br />

arm, exclaimed to Bharata; ìMy lord, look at those huge and noble trees of Påkara (the<br />

citron-leaved Indian fig tree), Jambu (the black plum), Mango and Tamåla, in the midst<br />

of which stands out a beautiful and stately banyan, which is so charming to behold with<br />

its dark and dense foliage, red fruit and unbroken shade, which is pleasant throughout<br />

the year, as if God had brought together all that was exquisitely beautiful and given it<br />

the shape of a dark and rosy mass. The trees in question, my lord, stand close to the<br />

riverside where the Chief of Raghus has erected His hut of leaves. In front of it you<br />

will find a variety of charming basil shrubs planted here by S∂tå and there by<br />

Lakmaƒa. And in the shade of the banyan tree there is a lovely altar raised by S∂tå<br />

with Her own lotus handsó (1ó4)<br />

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‚ÈŸÁ„¢U ∑§ÕÊ ßÁÄUÊ‚ ‚’ •Êª◊ ÁŸª◊ ¬È⁄UÊŸH 237H

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