Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

417<br />

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Cau.: dh∂raju dhareu kuavasara jån∂, sahaja suhæda bol∂ mædu bån∂.<br />

tåta tumhåri måtu baideh∂, pitå råmu saba bha° ti saneh∂.1.<br />

avadha tahå° jaha° råma nivåsµu, taha° iÚ divasu jaha° bhånu prakåsµu.<br />

jaµu° pai s∂ya råmu bana jåh∂°, avadha tumhåra kåju kachu nåh∂°.2.<br />

gura pitu matu ba≈dhu sura så∂°, seiahiÚ sakala pråna k∂ nå∂°.<br />

råmu pranapriya j∂vana j∂ ke, svåratha rahita sakhå sabah∂ ke.3.<br />

pµujan∂ya priya parama jahå° te°, saba måniahiÚ råma ke nåte°.<br />

asa jiya° jåni sa≈ga bana jåhµu, lehu tåta jaga j∂vana låhµu.4.<br />

Perceiving that the time was unpropitious to them she collected herself and,<br />

possessing as she did a naturally good heart, spoke in gentle words, ìMy dear son,<br />

Videhaís daughter is your mother while Råma, who loves you in everyway, is your<br />

father. Ayodhyå is there where Råma dwells; there alone is the day where there is<br />

sunlight. If S∂tå and Råma are really proceeding to the woods, you have no business<br />

in Ayodhyå. Oneís preceptor, parents, brother, gods and masteróall these should be<br />

tended as oneís own life. Råma, however is dearer than life, the soul of our soul and<br />

the disinterested friend of all. Whosoever are worthy of adoration and most dear to us<br />

should be accounted as such only in so far as they are related to Råma. Bearing this<br />

in mind, accompany him to the forest and derive, my boy, the benefit of your existence<br />

in the world. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: bhµuri bhåga bhåjanu bhayahu mohi sameta bali jåu°,<br />

jau° tumhare° mana chåRi chalu k∂nha råma pada ¢håu°.74.<br />

ìIt is your great good fortune as well as mine, I solemnly declare, that your mind<br />

has sincerely taken up its abode in Råmaís feet.î (74)<br />

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Cau.: putravat∂ jubat∂ jaga so∂, raghupati bhagatu jåsu sutu ho∂.<br />

nataru bå° jha bhali bådi biån∂, råma bimukha suta te° hita jån∂.1.<br />

tumharehiÚ bhåga råmu bana jåh∂°, dµusara hetu tåta kachu nåh∂°.<br />

sakala sukæta kara baRa phalu ehµu, råma s∂ya pada sahaja sanehµu.2.

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