Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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1026 *<br />

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eternal and untainted by Måyå, beyond the realm of Prakæti (Matter), bliss personified, the<br />

Lord indwelling the heart of all, the actionless Brahma, free from passion and imperishable.<br />

In Him error finds no ground to stand upon; can the shades of darkness ever approach<br />

the sun? (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: bhagata hetu bhagavåna prabhu råma dhareu tanu bhµupa,<br />

kie carita påvana parama pråkæta nara anurµupa.72(A).<br />

jathå aneka bea dhari nætya karai na¢a koi,<br />

soi soi bhåva dekhåvai åpuna hoi na soi.72(B).<br />

For the sake of His devotees, the divine Lord ›r∂ Råma took the form of an earthly<br />

sovereign and performed most sacred deeds, in the manner of an ordinary mortal, even<br />

as an actor, while acting on the stage, assumes various guises and exhibits different<br />

characters but himself remains the same. (72 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: asi raghupati l∂lå uragår∂, danuja bimohani jana sukhakår∂.<br />

je mati malina biayabasa kåm∂, prabhu para moha dharahiÚ imi svåm∂.1.<br />

nayana doa jå kaha° jaba ho∂, p∂ta barana sasi kahu° kaha so∂.<br />

jaba jehi disi bhrama hoi khageså, so kaha pacchima uyau dineså.2.<br />

naukårµuRha calata jaga dekhå, acala moha basa åpuhi lekhå.<br />

bålaka bhramahiÚ na bhramahiÚ gæhåd∂, kahahiÚ paraspara mithyåbåd∂.3.<br />

hari biaika asa moha biha≈gå, sapanehu° nahiÚ agyåna prasa≈gå.<br />

måyåbasa matima≈da abhåg∂, hædaya° jamanikå bahubidhi låg∂.4.<br />

te sa¢ha ha¢ha basa sa≈saya karah∂°, nija agyåna råma para dharah∂°.5.<br />

Such, O enemy of serpents, is the pastime of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus),<br />

a bewilderment to the demons but a delight to His servants. Those who are impure of<br />

mind, given over to the pleasures of sense and slaves of passion attribute infatuation to<br />

the Lord in the following manner, my master. He who has a jaundiced eye declares the<br />

moon as of a yellow colour so long as the disease is there. When a man is bewildered

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