Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

123<br />

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Cau.: sagunahi agunahi nahiÚ kachu bhedå, gåvahiÚ muni puråna budha bedå.<br />

aguna arµupa alakha aja jo∂, bhagata prema basa saguna so ho∂.1.<br />

jo guna rahita saguna soi kaise°, jalu hima upala bilaga nahiÚ jaise°.<br />

jåsu nåma bhrama timira pata≈gå, tehi kimi kahia bimoha prasa≈gå.2.<br />

råma saccidåna≈da dineså, nahiÚ taha° moha niså lavaleså.<br />

sahaja prakåsarµupa bhagavånå, nahiÚ taha° puni bigyåna bihånå.3.<br />

haraa biåda gyåna agyånå, j∂va dharma ahamiti abhimånå.<br />

råma brahma byåpaka jaga jånå, paramåna≈da paresa purånå.4.<br />

There is no difference between qualified Divinity and the unqualified Brahma: so<br />

declare the sages and men of wisdom, the Vedas and the Puråƒas. That which is<br />

attributeless and formless, imperceptible and unborn, becomes qualified under the<br />

influence of the devoteeís love. How can the Absolute become qualified? In the same<br />

way as water and the hail-stone are non-different in substance. Infatuation is out of the<br />

question for Him whose very Name is like the sun to the darkness of error. ›r∂ Råma,<br />

who is Truth, Consciousness and Bliss combined, is like the sun; the night of ignorance<br />

cannot subsist in Him even to the smallest degree. He is the Lord whose very being is<br />

light; there is no dawn of understanding in His case (for the dawn presupposes night and<br />

night there is none in the sunlight of ›r∂ Råma). Joy and grief, knowledge and ignorance,<br />

egoism and prideóthese are the characteristics of a J∂va (finite being). ›r∂ Råma is the<br />

all-pervading Brahma; He is supreme bliss personified, the highest Lord and the most<br />

ancient Being. The whole world knows it. (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó¬ÈL§· ¬˝Á‚h ¬˝∑§Ê‚ ÁŸÁœ ¬˝ª≈U ¬⁄UÊfl⁄U ŸÊÕ–<br />

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Do.: purua prasiddha prakåsa nidhi praga¢a paråvara nåtha,<br />

raghukulamani mama svåmi soi kahi siva° nåyau måtha.116.<br />

ìHe who is universally known as the Spirit, the fount of light, manifest in all forms<br />

and is the lord of life as well as of matter, that Jewel of Raghuís line is my Master.î So<br />

saying ›iva bowed His head to Him.<br />

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(116)<br />

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Á’·ÿ ∑§⁄UŸ ‚È⁄U ¡Ëfl ‚◊appleÃÊ – ‚∑§‹ ∞∑§ Ãapple¥ ∞∑§ ‚øappleÃÊH<br />

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