Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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muni ati bikala moha° mati nå¢h∂, mani giri ga∂ chµu¢i janu gå° ¢h∂.<br />

taba hara gana bole musukå∂, nija mukha mukura bilokahu jå∂.3.<br />

asa kahi dou bhåge bhaya° bhår∂, badana d∂kha muni båri nihår∂.<br />

beu biloki krodha ati båRhå, tinhahi saråpa d∂nha ati gåRhå.4.<br />

She did not care to look even casually at the quarter in which Nårada sat elated<br />

with pride. Again and again the sage would raise himself and fidget about; the<br />

attendants of Hara smiled to see him in that state. The gracious Lord too went there<br />

in the form of a king; the princess joyfully placed the wreath of victory round His neck.<br />

The Lord of Lakm∂ carried off the bride to the despair of all assembled kings. The<br />

sage felt much perturbed; for infatuation had robbed the sage of his reason. He felt as<br />

if a gem had dropped from a loosened knot in the end of his garment. The attendants<br />

of Hara then smilingly said, ìJust look at your face in a mirror.î Uttering these words<br />

both ran away in great alarm and the sage looked at his reflection in water. His fury<br />

knew no bounds when he beheld his form; and he pronounced a terrible curse on the<br />

attendants of ›iva:ó (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: hohu nisåcara jåi tumha kapa¢∂ påp∂ dou,<br />

ha° sehu hamahi so lehu phala bahuri ha° sehu muni kou.135.<br />

ìO you sinful impostors, go and be reborn as demons. You mocked me; therefore,<br />

reap its reward. Mock again a sage, if you dare. (135)<br />

øı0ó¬ÈÁŸ ¡‹ ŒËπ M§¬ ÁŸ¡ ¬ÊflÊ – ÃŒÁ¬ NUŒÿ° ‚¢ÃÙ· Ÿ •ÊflÊH<br />

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Cau.: puni jala d∂kha rµupa nija påvå, tadapi hædaya° sa≈toa na åvå.<br />

pharakata adhara kopa mana måh∂°, sapadi cale kamalåpati påh∂°.1.<br />

dehau° ‹råpa ki marihau° jå∂, jagata mori upahåsa karå∂.<br />

b∂cahiÚ pa≈tha mile danujår∂, sa≈ga ramå soi råjakumår∂.2.<br />

bole madhura bacana suraså∂°, muni kaha° cale bikala k∂ nå∂°.<br />

sunata bacana upajå ati krodhå, måyå basa na rahå mana bodhå.3.<br />

para sa≈padå sakahu nahiÚ dekh∂, tumhare° iriå kapa¢a bise∂.<br />

mathata si≈dhu rudrahi bauråyahu, suranha preri bia påna karåyahu.4.<br />

Looking again in water, he saw that he had regained his real form; yet his heart<br />

found no solace. His lips quivered and there was indignation in his heart. At once he<br />

proceeded to where the Lord of Lakm∂ was. ìI shall either curse Him or die at His door,î

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