Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

13<br />

sama prakåsa tama påkha duhu° nåma bheda bidhi k∂nha,<br />

sasi soaka poaka samujhi jaga jasa apajasa d∂nha.7(B).<br />

jaRa cetana jaga j∂va jata sakala råmamaya jåni,<br />

ba≈dau°<br />

saba ke pada kamala sadå jori juga påni.7(C).<br />

deva danuja nara någa khaga preta pitara ga≈dharba,<br />

ba≈dau° ki≈nara rajanicara kæpå karahu aba sarba.7(D).<br />

The planets, medicines, water, air and cloth prove good or bad in the world<br />

according to their good or evil associations; only men endowed with a keen insight<br />

are able to know this. The proportion of moonlight and darkness is the same in the<br />

bright as well as in the dark fortnight; only the two have been named differently by<br />

the Creator. Knowing the one as the nourisher and the other as the emaciator of the<br />

moon, the world has given it a good name and a bad one. Whatever beings, animate<br />

or inanimate, there are in the universe, recognizing them, one and all, as consisting<br />

of ›r∂ Råma, I ever adore the lotus feet of all with joined palms. I reverence gods,<br />

demons, human beings, Någas, birds, spirits, manes (the souls of departed ancestors)<br />

and Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Råkasas (giants).* Pray be gracious to me all on<br />

this occasion. (7 AóD)<br />

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Cau.: åkara cåri låkha caurås∂, jåti j∂va jala thala nabha bås∂.<br />

s∂ya råmamaya saba jaga jån∂, karau° pranåma jori juga pån∂.1.<br />

jåni kæpåkara ki≈kara mohµu, saba mili karahu chåRi chala chohµu.<br />

nija budhi bala bharosa mohi nåh∂°, tåte° binaya karau° saba påh∂°.2.<br />

*Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Råkasa are different species of superhuman beings. Of these the<br />

Gandharvas are celestial songsters and are specially noted for their handsome appearance, while the<br />

kinnaras are credited with the head of a horse. The Råkasas are monstrous in appearance and are said to<br />

roam at night and feed on the human flesh. The Någas are another class of semi-divine beings, who, though<br />

resembling serpents in shape, can take the human form at will.

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