Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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578 *<br />

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n∂ti pr∂ti paramåratha svårathu, kou na råma sama jåna jathårathu.<br />

bidhi hari haru sasi rabi disipålå, måyå j∂va karama kuli kålå.3.<br />

ahipa mahipa jaha° lagi prabhutå∂, joga siddhi nigamågama gå∂.<br />

kari bicåra jiya° dekhahu n∂ke°, råma rajåi s∂sa sabah∂ ke°.4.<br />

The chief of the sages, Vasi¢ha, spoke in words appropriate to the occasion<br />

ìListen, O councillors, and you, wise Bharata; the sun of the solar race, King Råma, is<br />

a champion of righteousness and the almighty Lord dependent on none but Himself. ›r∂<br />

Råma is true to His word and maintains the standard of morality set up by the Vedas;<br />

His very advent is a source of blessing to the world. Obedient to the commands of His<br />

preceptor and parents, He crushes the armies of the wicked and is a friend of the gods.<br />

Propriety of behaviour, love, the highest object of life and worldly interestsóno one<br />

knows these aright as Råma does. Brahmå (the Creator), Hari (the Preserver) and Hara<br />

(the Destroyer of the universe), the moon-god, the sun-god and the guardians of the<br />

various quarters, Måyå (the deluding potency of God), J∂va (the individual soul), the<br />

various forms of Karma (the residue of actions) and the Time-Spirit, ›ea (the lord of<br />

serpents), the rulers of the earth and whatever other powers there are and even so the<br />

accomplishments of Yoga extolled in the Vedas and other scripturesóponder in your<br />

heart and consider welló›r∂ Råmaís commands exercise their authority over all.î(1ó4)<br />

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Do.: råkhe° råma rajåi rukha hama saba kara hita hoi,<br />

samujhi sayåne karahu aba saba mili sa≈mta soi.254.<br />

ìIf we carry out ›r∂ Råmaís orders and respect His wishes, it will be well for us<br />

all. Ponder this, O wise men; and do that which you all unanimously resolve upon.î (254)<br />

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Cau.: saba kahu° sukhada råma abhiekµu, ma≈gala moda mµula maga ekµu.<br />

kehi bidhi avadha calahiÚ raghuråµu, kahahu samujhi soi karia upåµu.1.<br />

saba sådara suni munibara bån∂, naya paramåratha svåratha sån∂.<br />

utaru na åva loga bhae bhore, taba siru nåi bharata kara jore.2.<br />

bhånuba≈sa bhae bhµupa ghanere, adhika eka te° eka baRere.<br />

janama hetu saba kaha° pitu måtå, karama subhåsubha dei bidhåtå.3.<br />

dali dukha sajai sakala kalyånå, asa as∂sa råuri jagu jånå.<br />

so gosåiÚ bidhi gati jehiÚ che°k∂, sakai ko ¢åri ¢eka jo ¢ek∂.4.

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