Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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asa jiya° jåni dasånana sa≈gå, calå råma pada prema abha≈gå.<br />

mana ati haraa janåva na teh∂, åju dekhihau° parama saneh∂.4.<br />

ìTherefore, considering the welfare of your race you had better return home.î<br />

When he heard this he flared up and showered many abuses on Mår∂ca. ìYou fool, you<br />

presume to teach me as if you were my preceptor. Tell me which warrior in this world<br />

is a match for me.î Then Mår∂ca thought to himself, ìIt does not do one good to make<br />

enemies of the following nine, viz., one skilled in the use of a weapon, he who knows<br />

oneís secret, a powerful master, a dunce, a wealthy man, a physician, a panegyrist, a<br />

poet, an expert cook.î Either way he saw he must die: hence he sought refuge in the<br />

Lord of Raghus. ìIf I argue further, the wretch would kill me; why, then, should I not be<br />

killed by ›r∂ Råmaís arrows?î Pondering thus in his mind he accompanied Råvaƒa,<br />

unremitting in his devotion to ›r∂ Råmaís feet. He felt extremely delighted at the thought<br />

that he would be able to behold his greatest friend (›r∂ Råma), even though he would not<br />

reveal his joy to Råvana. (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.:nija parama pr∂tama dekhi locana suphala kari sukha påihau°,<br />

‹r∂ sahita anuja sameta kæpåniketa pada mana låihau°.<br />

nirbåna dåyaka krodha jå kara bhagati abasahi basakar∂,<br />

nija påni sara sa≈dhåni so mohi badhihi sukhasågara har∂.<br />

ìMy eyes will be rewarded when I behold my most beloved lord to my great<br />

exultation and I shall fix my thoughts on the feet of the All-merciful accompanied by S∂tå<br />

and His younger brother. To think that ›r∂ Hari, the Ocean of Bliss, whose very wrath<br />

confers final beatitude and who, though subject to none gives Himself up entirely to the<br />

will of His devotees, will fit an arrow with His own hands to His bow and slay me!î<br />

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Do.: mama påche° dhara dhåvata dhare° saråsana båna,<br />

phiri phiri prabhuhi bilokihau° dhanya na mo sama åna.26.<br />

ìAs He runs after me on foot, carrying His bow and arrow, I shall again and again<br />

turn in order to get a sight of my lord ! No one else is so blessed as I am.î (26)<br />

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