Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

385<br />

creation. While the king was yet wailing, the day broke and the music of lute, flute and<br />

conch was heard at his door. Bards extolled him and minstrels sang his praises; they,<br />

however, pierced the king like shafts as he heard them. These and other tokens of<br />

rejoicing pleased him not even as ornaments repel a widow who has decided to<br />

accompany her deceased husband to the other world. None could have a wink of sleep<br />

that night since everyone was eagerly longing for a sight of ›r∂ Råma. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: dvåra bh∂ra sevaka saciva kahahiÚ udita rabi dekhi,<br />

jågeu ajahu° na avadhapati kåranu kavanu bisei.37.<br />

At the door waited a crowd of servants and ministers, who said to one another at<br />

the sight of the risen sun, ìThe Lord of Ayodhyå has not yet woken up, what special<br />

reason can there be?î (37)<br />

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Cau.: pachile pahara bhµupu nita jågå, åju hamahi baRa acaraju lågå.<br />

jåhu suma≈tra jagåvahu jå∂, k∂jia kåju rajåyasu på∂.1.<br />

gae suma≈tru taba råura måh∂°, dekhi bhayåvana jåta Œeråh∂°.<br />

dhåi khåi janu jåi na herå, månahu° bipati biåda baserå.2.<br />

pµuche° kou na µutaru de∂, gae jehiÚ bhavana bhµupa kaike∂.<br />

kahi jayaj∂va bai¢ha siru nå∂, dekhi bhµupa gati gayau sukhå∂.3.<br />

soca bikala bibarana mahi pareµu, månahu° kamala mµulu parihareµu.<br />

saciu sabh∂ta sakai nahiÚ pµuch∂, bol∂ asubha bhar∂ subha chµuch∂.4.<br />

ìThe king used to wake up during the last watch of the night everyday; his<br />

behaviour today appears most strange to us. Getting into the palace, O Sumantra, you<br />

go and rouse him; on receiving his orders we may proceed with our work.î Sumantra<br />

then entered the gynaeceum; but it wore such a dismal appearance that he was afraid<br />

to advance. It looked like a monster that would spring on him and devour him; its sight<br />

was so repelling. It seemed to be the very abode of calamity and sorrow. Since nobody<br />

answered his questions he proceeded to the apartment where the king and Queen<br />

Kaikey∂ were. Greeting the king with the words ìBe victorious and live forever!î and<br />

bowing his head, he sat down. He turned pale to behold the condition of the king, who<br />

lay on the ground distracted with grief and colourless like a lotus stalk torn from its roots.<br />

The minister being too alarmed to ask any question, Kaikey∂, who was full of evil and void<br />

of all good, broke the silence. (1ó4)

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