Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

195<br />

kari pµujå bhµupati asa bhåå, dharia nåma jo muni guni råkhå.<br />

inha ke nåma aneka anµupå, maiÚ næpa kahaba svamati anurµupå.2.<br />

jo åna≈da si≈dhu sukharås∂, s∂kara te° trailoka supås∂.<br />

so sukha dhåma råma asa nåmå, akhila loka dåyaka bi‹råmå.3.<br />

bisva bharana poana kara jo∂, tåkara nåma bharata asa ho∂.<br />

jåke sumirana te° ripu nåså, nåma satruhana beda prakåså.4.<br />

A few days rolled on in this way; days and nights passed unnoticed. Knowing that<br />

the time had come for naming the children, the king sent for the enlightened sage<br />

Vasi¢ha. After paying him homage the king spoke to him thus, "Holy sir! Kindly assign<br />

them names that you have fixed your mind upon." "Their names are many and unique;<br />

yet O king, I will declare them according to my own lights. This eldest boy of yours, who<br />

is an ocean of felicity and embodiment of joy, a particle of which fills the three worlds with<br />

delight, has for His name 'Råma', the very home of bliss and the comforter of all the<br />

worlds. Your second son, who sustains and supports the universe, will be called<br />

'Bharata'; while he whose very thought destroys one's enemies is celebrated in the<br />

Vedas by the name of ›atrughna'." (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: lacchana dhåma råma priya sakala jagata ådhåra,<br />

guru basi¢a tehi råkhå lachimana nåma udåra.197.<br />

He who is the abode of noble characteristics, the beloved of ›r∂ Råma and the<br />

mainstay of the whole universe, was given by Guru Vasi¢ha the splendid name of<br />

Lakmaƒa. (197)<br />

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Cau.: dhare nåma gura hædaya° bicår∂, beda tatva næpa tava suta cår∂.<br />

muni dhana jana sarabasa siva prånå, båla keli rasa tehiÚ sukha månå.1.<br />

bårehi te nija hita pati jån∂, lachimana råma carana rati mån∂.<br />

bharata satruhana dµunau bhå∂, prabhu sevaka jasi pr∂ti baRå∂.2.<br />

syåma gaura su≈dara dou jor∂, nirakhahiÚ chabi janan∂° tæna tor∂.<br />

cåriu s∂la rµupa guna dhåmå, tadapi adhika sukhasågara råmå.3.<br />

hædaya° anugraha i≈du prakåså, sµucata kirana manohara håså.<br />

kabahu° ucha≈ga kabahu° bara palanå, måtu dulårai kahi priya lalanå.4.<br />

The preceptor assigned these names after careful thought and then said, "Your

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