Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

ARA°NYA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

695<br />

inaccessible and easily accessible, who has a guileless disposition and is both partial<br />

and impartial and ever placid, whom the Yog∂s perceive with great effort subduing their<br />

senses and mind, that Råma, the abode of <strong>Ram</strong>å (Goddess Lakm∂) and the Lord of the<br />

three spheres (the entire creation) is ever at the beck and call of His devotees. May He<br />

abide in my heart, whose holy praises put a stop to transmigration.î<br />

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Do.: abirala bhagati mågi bara g∂dha gayau haridhåma,<br />

(1ó4)<br />

tehi k∂ kriyå jathocita nija kara k∂nh∂ råma.32.<br />

Asking the boon of uninterrupted devotion the vulture (Ja¢åyu) ascended to ›r∂ Hariís<br />

Abode. ›r∂ Råma performed his funeral rites with due ceremony and with His own hands. (32)<br />

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Cau.: komala cita ati d∂nadayålå, kårana binu raghunåtha kæpålå.<br />

g∂dha adhama khaga åmia bhog∂, gati d∂nh∂ jo jåcata jog∂.1.<br />

sunahu umå te loga abhåg∂, hari taji hohiÚ biaya anuråg∂.<br />

puni s∂tahi khojata dvau bhå∂, cale bilokata bana bahutå∂.2.<br />

sa≈kula latå bi¢apa ghana kånana, bahu khaga mæga taha° gaja pa≈cånana.<br />

åvata pa≈tha kaba≈dha nipåtå, tehiÚ saba kah∂ såpa kai båtå.3.<br />

durabåså mohi d∂nh∂ såpå, prabhu pada pekhi mi¢å so påpå.<br />

sunu ga≈dharba kahau° maiÚ toh∂, mohi na sohåi brahmakula droh∂.4.<br />

The Lord of Raghus is most tender-hearted and compassionate to the humble and<br />

shows His mercy even where there is no occasion for it. On a vulture, who is a most<br />

unclean and carnivorous bird, He conferred a state which is solicited even by Yog∂s.<br />

Listen, Umå: those people are unfortunate indeed, who abandon ›r∂ Hari and become<br />

attached to the object of sense. The two brothers proceeded further in quest of S∂tå and<br />

marked the thickening of the forest even as they went. The thicket was full of creepers<br />

and trees and inhabited by many birds and deer, elephants and lions, ›r∂ Råma<br />

overthrew the demon Kabandha even as the latter met Him on the way; he told Him the<br />

whole story about the curse pronounced on him: ìThe sage Durvåså had imprecated me;<br />

the sin has now been wiped out by the sight of the Lordís feet.î ìListen, O Gandharva,<br />

to what I tell you: I cannot tolerate an enemy of the Bråhmaƒas.î<br />

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