Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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•¢«U ∑§≈UÊ„U •Á◊à ‹ÿ ∑§Ê⁄UË – ∑§Ê‹È ‚ŒÊ ŒÈ⁄UÁÃ∑˝§◊ ÷Ê⁄UËH 4H<br />

Cau.: tumha sarbagya tagya tama pårå, sumati sus∂la sarala åcårå.<br />

gyåna birati bigyåna nivåså, raghunåyaka ke tumha priya dåså.1.<br />

kårana kavana deha yaha på∂, tåta sakala mohi kahahu bujhå∂.<br />

råma carita sara su≈dara svåm∂, påyahu kahå° kahahu nabhagåm∂.2.<br />

nåtha sunå maiÚ asa siva påh∂°, mahå pralayahu° nåsa tava nåh∂°.<br />

mudhå bacana nahiÚ ∂svara kaha∂, sou more° mana sa≈saya aha∂.3.<br />

aga jaga j∂va någa nara devå, nåtha sakala jagu kåla kalevå.<br />

a≈Œa ka¢åha amita laya kår∂, kålu sadå duratikrama bhår∂.4.<br />

ìYou are an omniscient knower of Truth, having reached beyond the darkness (of<br />

ignorance), intelligent, amiable, straight in your dealings and a storehouse of wisdom,<br />

dispassion and Realization. Above all you are a beloved servant of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord<br />

of the Raghus). Yet wherefore did you get this form (of a crow)? Dear Sir, explain all this<br />

to me clearly. Also tell me, my master, where did you get this lovely Lake of<br />

›r∂ Råmaís exploits, O good bird? My lord, I have heard it from ›iva Himself that you<br />

do not perish even during Mahåpralaya (the Great Dissolution when Brahmå himself<br />

retires into the Lordís body after completing the 100 years of his existence). The divine<br />

Lord ›iva would never utter an idle word and therefore my mind is in doubt. My lord, the<br />

whole universe with all its animate and inanimate beings, including the Någas, human<br />

beings and gods, is an intended victim of Death. The Time-Spirit, which destroys<br />

countless universe, is ever mighty and irresistible.î (1ó4)<br />

‚Ù0óÃÈê„UÁ„U Ÿ éÿʬà ∑§Ê‹ •Áà ∑§⁄UÊ‹ ∑§Ê⁄UŸ ∑§flŸ–<br />

◊ÙÁ„U ‚Ù ∑§„U„ÈU ∑Χ¬Ê‹ ÇÿÊŸ ¬˝÷Êfl Á∑§ ¡Ùª ’‹H 94(∑§)H<br />

ŒÙ0ó¬˝÷È Ãfl •ÊüÊ◊ •Ê∞° ◊Ù⁄U ◊Ù„U ÷˝◊ ÷ʪ–<br />

∑§Ê⁄UŸ ∑§flŸ ‚Ù ŸÊÕ ‚’ ∑§„U„ÈU ‚Á„Uà •ŸÈ⁄UʪH 94 (π)H<br />

So.: tumhahi na byåpata kåla ati karåla kårana kavana,<br />

mohi so kahahu kæpåla gyåna prabhåva ki joga bala.94(A).<br />

Do.: prabhu tava å‹rama åe° mora moha bhrama bhåga,<br />

kårana kavana so nåtha saba kahahu sahita anuråga.94(B).<br />

ìHow is it that the most formidable Time-Spirit has no power over you? Tell me,<br />

my gracious lord, if it is a glory of spiritual insight or a feat of Yoga? O lord, my infatuation<br />

and delusion disappeared the moment I visited your hermitage. Tell me in a loving spirit,<br />

my lord, how did all this happen?î (94 A-B)

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