Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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906 *<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />


The arrows flew like winged serpents. At the first onset they killed Råvaƒaís<br />

charioteer and horses; then, smashing the car, they tore off his ensign and flags. Even<br />

though his strength had inwardly failed him, he roared aloud and, immediately mounting<br />

another car, ground his teeth and hurled missiles and other weapons of every description.<br />

All his efforts, however, failed like those of a man whose mind is ever intent on harming<br />

others. Then Råvaƒa hurled forth ten pikes, which struck the four horses of ›r∂ Råmaís<br />

chariot and overthrew them. The Lord raised His horses and, drawing the bow string, let<br />

fly His darts in great fury. The arrows of ›r∂ Råma (the Hero of Raghuís line) sped forth<br />

like a string of bees* to enter Råvaƒaís heads, which compared a bed of lotuses. ›r∂<br />

Råma struck each of his brows with ten arrows, which pierced through them; and blood<br />

gushed forth in torrents. Though bleeding profusely, the mighty demon rushed forward;<br />

the Lord once more fitted arrows to His bow. The Hero of Raghuís line discharged thirty<br />

shafts, which shot down his heads and arms to the ground. But they grew afresh as<br />

soon as they were severed; ›r∂ Råma, however, struck off his heads and arms once<br />

more. Time after time the Lord smote off his arms and heads; but they were renewed as<br />

soon as they were blown off. Again and again the Lord tore off his arms and heads; for<br />

the King of Kosala takes delight in playing. The sky was full of heads and arms like an<br />

infinite number of Ketus and Råhus. (1ó7)<br />

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Cha≈.: janu råhu ketu aneka nabha patha sravata sonita dhåvah∂°,<br />

raghub∂ra t∂ra praca≈Œa lågahiÚ bhµumi girana na påvah∂°.<br />

eka eka sara sira nikara chede nabha uRata imi sohah∂°,<br />

janu kopi dinakara kara nikara jaha° taha° bidhu≈tuda pohah∂°.<br />

It seemed as though multitudes of Råhus and Ketus were rushing through the air,<br />

streaming with blood; hit by the terrible shafts of ›r∂ Råma (the Hero of Raghuís line)<br />

again and again, they could not fall to the ground. The arrows, as they flew through the<br />

air, each transfixing a set of heads, seemed like so many rays of the angry sun each<br />

strung all over with a number of Råhus.<br />

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Do.: jimi jimi prabhu hara tåsu sira timi timi hohiÚ apåra,<br />

sevata biaya bibardha jimi nita nita nµutana måra.92.<br />

As quickly as the Lord struck off his heads, they were renewed without end, like<br />

the passions of a man, which grow ever more and more even as he enjoys the pleasures<br />

of sense. (92)<br />

* ìThe word ë›il∂mukhaí in the original bears a double meaning. It denotes both an arrow and a bee.<br />

Hence the sentence has been translated as above.î

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