Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: eku manorathu baRa mana måh∂°, sabhaya° sakoca jåta kahi nåh∂°.<br />

kahahu tåta prabhu åyasu på∂, bole båni saneha suhå∂.1.<br />

citrakµu¢a suci thala t∂ratha bana, khaga mæga sara sari nirjhara girigana.<br />

prabhu pada a≈kita avani bise∂, åyasu hoi ta åvau° dekh∂.2.<br />

avasi atri åyasu sira dharahµu, tåta bigatabhaya kånana carahµu.<br />

muni prasåda banu ma≈gala dåtå, påvana parama suhåvana bhråtå.3.<br />

riinåyaku jaha° åyasu deh∂°, råkhehu t∂ratha jalu thala teh∂°.<br />

suni prabhu bacana bharata sukhu påvå, muni pada kamala mudita siru nåvå.4.<br />

ìI have one great longing at heart; but due to fear and diffidence I am unable to<br />

mention it.î ìTell me, dear brother, what it is.î Thus receiving the Lordís permission Bharata<br />

replied in words sweetened by love: ìWith your permission I would go and see Citrakµu¢a<br />

with its sacred spots, holy places and woods, birds and beasts, lakes and streams,<br />

springs and hills and particularly the land adorned with my lordís footprints.î ìCertainly, do<br />

as the sage Atri bids you do, dear brother, and wander without fear through the woods.<br />

It is the sageís blessing, brother, which makes the forest so auspicious, holy and<br />

exquisitely beautiful. Deposit the water from holy places wherever the chief of sages,<br />

Atri, directs you.î On hearing the reply of his lord Bharata rejoiced and cheerfully went<br />

and bowed his head at the lotus-feet of the sage (Atri). (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: bharata råma sa≈bådu suni sakala suma≈gala mµula,<br />

sura svårath∂ saråhi kula baraata surataru phµula.308.<br />

The selfish gods, when they heard this conversation between Bharata and ›r∂<br />

Råma, which was a fountain of all fair blessings, applauded the race of Raghu and rained<br />

down flowers from the tree of paradise. (308)<br />

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Cau.: dhanya bharata jaya råma goså∂°, kahata deva haraata bariå∂°.<br />

muni mithilesa sabhå° saba kåhµu, bharata bacana suni bhayau uchåhµu.1.

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