Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

85<br />

›iva replied, ìAlthough this is hardly justifiable, the words of a master cannot be<br />

set aside at the same time. My lord, your command must be respectfully carried out: this<br />

is my paramount duty. The words of oneís parents, teacher and master must be<br />

unquestionably obeyed as conducive to bliss. You are my supreme benefactor in<br />

everyway; therefore, my lord, I bow to Your commands.î The Lord, was pleased to hear<br />

the well-chosen words of ›a∆kara; which were inspired with devotion, wisdom and piety.<br />

The Lord said, ìYour vow has been kept; now bear in mind what I have told You.î Saying<br />

so He went out of sight. ›a∆kara cherished the impression of the vision in His heart. That<br />

very moment the seven sages called on ›iva. The Lord spoke to them in most charming<br />

accents:ó (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: pårabat∂ pahiÚ jåi tumha prema paricchå lehu,<br />

girihi preri pa¢haehu bhavana dµuri karehu sa≈dehu.77.<br />

ìGoing to Pårvat∂, you put her love to the test. Then directing her father, Himålaya,<br />

to her, send her back to her home and dispel her doubts.î (77)<br />

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Cau.: riinha gauri dekh∂ taha° kais∂, mµuratima≈ta tapasyå jais∂.<br />

bole muni sunu sailakumår∂, karahu kavana kårana tapu bhår∂.1.<br />

kehi avarådhahu kå tumha cahahµu, hama sana satya maramu kina kahahµu.<br />

kahata bacana manu ati sakucå∂, ha°sihahu suni hamåri jaRatå∂.2.<br />

manu ha¢ha parå na sunai sikhåvå, cahata båri para bh∂ti u¢håvå.<br />

nårada kahå satya soi jånå, binu pa≈khanha hama cahahiÚ uRånå.3.<br />

dekhahu muni abibeku hamårå, cåhia sadå sivahi bharatårå.4.<br />

There the seers saw Gaur∂ (a name of Pårvat∂; lit., fair-complexioned) as if she<br />

were penance itself personified.The sages said, ìHear, O daughter of Himåcala: why<br />

are you practising such rigorous penance? Whom do you worship and what do you<br />

seek? Why not confide to us the real secret?î ìI feel very shy in making my<br />

submission. You will be amused to hear of my folly. Yet my mind has taken a rigid<br />

attitude and heeds no advice; it would raise a wall on water. Relying on the truth of<br />

Nåradaís prophecy, I long to fly even without wings. Look at my madness; I always<br />

covet ›iva as my husband .î (1ó4)<br />

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