Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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saciva dh∂ra dhari kaha mædu bån∂, mahåråja tumha pa≈Œita gyån∂.<br />

b∂ra sudh∂ra dhura≈dhara devå, sådhu samåju sadå tumha sevå.2.<br />

janama marana saba dukha sukha bhogå, håni låbhu priya milana biyogå.<br />

kåla karama basa hohiÚ goså∂°, barabasa råti divasa k∂ nå∂°.3.<br />

sukha haraahiÚ jaRa dukha bilakhåh∂°, dou sama dh∂ra dharahiÚ mana måh∂°.<br />

dh∂raja dharahu bibeku bicår∂, chåRia soca sakala hitakår∂.4.<br />

Again and again the king asked the minister; ìCommunicate to me the news of my<br />

most beloved sons. Quickly contrive, my friend, some means whereby you may be able<br />

to bring before my eyes Råma, Lakmaƒa and S∂tå.î Recovering himself the minister<br />

gently replied, ìYour Majesty is learned and wise. Nay, you are a leader of the brave and<br />

courageous, my lord, and have always attended assemblies of holy men. Birth and<br />

death, all painful and pleasurable experiences, loss and gain, union with and separation<br />

from friendsóall these, my lord, take place under the unalterable laws of time and<br />

destiny like the succession of night and day. Fools rejoice in prosperity and mourn in<br />

adversity; while the wise account both alike. Therefore, exercising your mature judgment<br />

take up courage and cease sorrowing, O friend of all. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: prathama båsu tamaså bhayau dµusara surasari t∂ra,<br />

nhåi rahe jalapånu kari siya sameta dou b∂ra.150.<br />

ìTheir first halt was made by the side of the Tamaså and the next on the bank of<br />

the celestial river (Ga∆gå). Having bathed and drunk water, S∂tå and the two brothers<br />

remained without food that day. (150)<br />

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Cau.: keva¢a k∂nhi bahuta sevakå∂, so jåmini si≈garaura gavå° ∂.<br />

hota pråta ba¢a ch∂ru magåvå, ja¢å muku¢a nija s∂sa banåvå.1.<br />

råma sakhå° taba nåva magå∂, priyå caRhåi caRhe raghurå∂.<br />

lakhana båna dhanu dhare banå∂, åpu caRhe prabhu åyasu på∂.2.<br />

bikala biloki mohi raghub∂rå, bole madhura bacana dhari dh∂rå.<br />

tåta pranåmu tåta sana kahehµu, båra båra pada pa≈kaja gahehµu.3.<br />

karabi påya° pari binaya bahor∂, tåta karia jani ci≈tå mor∂.<br />

bana maga ma≈gala kusala hamåre° , kæpå anugraha punya tumhåre°.4.<br />

ìThe Niåda showed great hospitality and the party spent that night in the village

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