Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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1100 *<br />

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cures the perversities, caused by the fivefold* ignorance, of those men who treasure<br />

up in their heart even a few Caupå∂s (small four-footed verses) of this narrative that<br />

appeal to them as most charming. If there is anyone who is all-beautiful, all-wise and<br />

all-merciful and who is fond of the forlorn, it is Råma and Råma alone; who else can<br />

compare with Him as a disinterested friend and a bestower of eternal bliss? Nowhere<br />

can we find a lord like ›r∂ Råma, by an iota of whose grace even the dull-witted<br />

Tulas∂dåsa has found supreme peace. (1ó3)<br />

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ÁÃÁ◊ ⁄UÉÊÈŸÊÕ ÁŸ⁄¢UÃ⁄U Á¬˝ÿ ‹Êª„ÈU ◊ÙÁ„U ⁄UÊ◊H 130 (π)H<br />

Do.: mo sama d∂na na d∂na hita tumha samåna raghub∂ra,<br />

asa bicåri raghuba≈sa mani harahu biama bhava bh∂ra.130(A).<br />

kåmihi nåri piåri jimi lobhihi priya jimi dåma,<br />

timi raghunåtha nira≈tara priya lågahu mohi råma.130(B).<br />

There is no one so miserable as I nor such a friend of the miserable as You, O Hero<br />

of Raghuís line ! Realizing this, O Jewel of Raghuís race, take away my fear of transmigration,<br />

which is so terrible. May You be ever so dear to me, Råma, as woman is dear to a lustful<br />

man, and as lucre is dear to the greedy, O Lord of the Raghus. (130 A-B)<br />

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›loka: yatpµurva≈ prabhuƒå kæta≈ sukavinå ‹r∂‹ambhunå durgama≈<br />

‹r∂madråmapadåbjabhaktimani‹a≈ pråptyai tu råmåyaƒam,<br />

matvå tadraghunåthanåmanirata≈ svåntastama¨‹åntaye<br />

bhååbaddhamida≈ cakåra tulas∂dåsastathå månasam.1.<br />

* The fivefold ignorance has been characterized as mistaking (1) the unreal for real, (2) the ephemeral<br />

for the eternal, (3) the painful as pleasurable, (4) the impure for pure and (5) that which is worth discarding for<br />

something worth acquiring.

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