Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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904 *<br />

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Råvaƒa heartily laughed when he heard ›r∂ Råmaís words. ìAh! You teach me<br />

wisdom! You did not shrink from waging war against me then; now it seems you hold<br />

your life very dear.î (90)<br />

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Cau.: kahi durbacana kruddha dasaka≈dhara, kulisa samåna låga chå° Rai sara.<br />

nånåkåra sil∂mukha dhåe, disi aru bidisi gagana mahi chåe.1.<br />

påvaka sara chå° Reu raghub∂rå, chana mahu° jare nisåcara t∂rå.<br />

chåRisi t∂bra sakti khisiå∂, båna sa≈ga prabhu pheri calå∂.2.<br />

ko¢inha cakra trisµula pabårai, binu prayåsa prabhu kå¢i nivårai.<br />

niphala hohiÚ råvana sara kaise°, khala ke sakala manoratha jaise° .3.<br />

taba sata båna sårath∂ måresi, pareu bhµumi jaya råma pukåresi.<br />

råma kæpå kari sµuta u¢håvå, taba prabhu parama krodha kahu° påvå.4.<br />

Having uttered these taunting words Råvaƒa furiously began to discharge arrows<br />

like so many thunderbolts. Shafts of various designs flew and filled all the quarters, nay,<br />

every corner of the earth and heavens. The Hero of Raghuís line let fly a fiery dart, and<br />

in a moment the demonís bolts were all consumed. Råvaƒa ground his teeth out of<br />

frustration and hurled a fierce lance; but the Lord sent it back alongwith His arrow. The<br />

demon then cast a cloud of discs and tridents; but the Lord frustrated them by tearing<br />

them asunder without any exertion. Råvaƒaís arrows proved as futile as the schemes<br />

of the wicked invariably are. Then with a hundred arrows he struck ›r∂ Råmaís charioteer<br />

(Måtali), who fell to the ground crying ìVictory to ›r∂ Råma!î ›r∂ Råma took compassion<br />

and lifted up the driver; He was now stirred up with a terrible fury. (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.: bhae kruddha juddha biruddha raghupati trona såyaka kasamase,<br />

koda≈Œa dhuni ati ca≈Œa suni manujåda saba måruta grase.<br />

ma≈dodar∂ ura ka≈pa ka≈pati kama¢ha bhµu bhµudhara trase,<br />

cikkarahiÚ diggaja dasana gahi mahi dekhi kautuka sura ha° se.<br />

When the Lord of the Raghus encountered the enemy on the battlefield, full of<br />

rage, the arrows in His quiver vied with one another in their endeavour to shoot forth. The

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