Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

919<br />

ghosts and ghouls with bows and arrows in their hands. Yogin∂s holding a sword in one<br />

hand and a human skull in another, from which they quaffed draughts of fresh blood,<br />

danced and sang many a song. They uttered horrible cries of ìSeize and kill !î, which<br />

echoed all round. With their mouths wide open they rushed to devour the monkeys, who<br />

then took to their heels. But whithersoever they turned in their flight they saw a blazing<br />

fire. The monkeys and bears were thus in a quandary. Then Råvaƒa began raining on<br />

them a shower of sand. Having thus flabbergasted the monkeys on all sides, the tenheaded<br />

monster roared again. All the heroes, including Lakmaƒa and Sugr∂va (the king<br />

of the monkeys), fainted. The bravest of them wrung their hands, crying ìAh, Råma !<br />

Alas, Raghunåtha (Lord of the Raghus)!î Having thus crushed the might of all, he wrought<br />

another delusion. He manifested a host of Hanumåns, who rushed forward with rocks in<br />

their hands and encircled ›r∂ Råma in a dense cordon on every side. With uplifted tails<br />

and gnashing their teeth they shouted, ìSeize and kill him; let him not escape!î Surrounded<br />

by their tails on every side, the Lord of Kosala shone in their midst. (1ó8)<br />

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Cha≈.: tehiÚ madhya kosalaråja su≈dara syåma tana sobhå lah∂,<br />

janu i≈dradhanua aneka k∂ bara båri tu≈ga tamålah∂.<br />

prabhu dekhi haraa biåda ura sura badata jaya jaya jaya kar∂,<br />

raghub∂ra ekahiÚ t∂ra kopi nimea mahu° måyå har∂.1.<br />

måyå bigata kapi bhålu harae bi¢apa giri gahi saba phire,<br />

sara nikara chåRe råma råvana båhu sira puni mahi gire.<br />

‹r∂råma råvana samara carita aneka kalpa jo gåvah∂°,<br />

sata sea sårada nigama kabi teu tadapi påra na påvah∂°.2.<br />

In their midst the King of Kosala with His dark-hued body shone forth as<br />

resplendent as a lofty Tamåla tree encircled by a magnificent hedge of multitudinous<br />

rainbows. The gods experienced in their heart a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow and<br />

raised the cries of ìVictory ! Victory !! Victory !!!î The Hero of Raghuís line now flew into<br />

a rage and with a single arrow instantly dispersed the delusion. The delusion having<br />

vanished, the monkeys and bears rejoiced and all turned back with trees and rocks in<br />

their hands. ›r∂ Råma shot forth a volley of arrows, which once more cut off Råvaƒaís<br />

arms and heads to the ground. If hundreds of ›eas (serpent-gods), ›åradås (goddesses<br />

of speech), the Vedas and bards were to recite the story of the battle between ›r∂ Råma<br />

and Råvaƒa and that too for many cycles together, even they would never be able to do<br />

justice to it. (1-2)

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