Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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1046 *<br />

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dhanada ko¢i sata sama dhanavånå, måyå ko¢i prapa≈ca nidhånå.<br />

bhåra dharana sata ko¢i ah∂så, niravadhi nirupama prabhu jagad∂så.4.<br />

The Lord is unfathomable as a myriad Påtålas and dreadful as a myriad Yamas.<br />

He is as sanctifying as countless millions of sacred places; nay, His very name<br />

obliterates all oneís accumulated sins. The Hero of Raghuís line is as immovable as a<br />

myriad Himålayas and as deep as a myriad seas. The Lord is as liberal in bestowing all<br />

oneís cherished objects as a myriad cows of plenty. He is as sharp as countless millions<br />

of ›åradås and possesses the creative skill of a myriad Brahmås. Again, He is as good<br />

a preserver as a myriad Viƒus and as thorough a destroyer as a myriad Rudras. He<br />

is as rich as a myriad Kuberas and as capable of bringing forth material universes as<br />

a myriad Måyås. He is as good a supporter (of the universes) as a myriad ›eas. In<br />

short, Lord ›r∂ Råma, the sovereign of the universe, is infinite and incomparable ( in<br />

every respect). (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.: nirupama na upamå åna råma samåna råmu nigama kahai,<br />

jimi ko¢i sata khadyota sama rabi kahata ati laghutå lahai.<br />

ehi bhå° ti nija nija mati bilåsa mun∂sa harihi bakhånah∂°,<br />

prabhu bhåva gåhaka ati kæpåla saprema suni sukha månah∂°.<br />

Incomparable as He is, He has no compeer. ›r∂ Råma alone is ›r∂ Råmaís peeró<br />

so declare the Vedasóeven as the sun really suffers diminution by being likened to a<br />

myriad glow-worms. So do the great sages sing the praises of ›r∂ Hari each according<br />

to the flight of his own wits and the Lord lovingly hears them and feels delighted (however<br />

inadequate the praise may be); for He respects the sentiment of His devotees and is<br />

extremely kind.<br />

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Do.: råmu amita guna sågara thåha ki påvai koi,<br />

sa≈tanha sana jasa kichu suneu° tumhahi sunåyau° soi.92(A).<br />

So.: bhåva basya bhagavåna sukha nidhåna karunå bhavana,<br />

taji mamatå mada måna bhajia sadå s∂tå ravana.92(B).<br />

›r∂ Råma is an ocean of countless virtues : can anyone sound His depth? I have<br />

only told you the little I have myself heard from the saints. The Lord is won only by sincere<br />

Devotion and is a fountain of joy and an abode of compassion. Therefore, giving up worldly<br />

attachment, vanity and pride, one should ever adore S∂tåís Spouse. (92 A-B)

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