Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

835<br />

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„ÈUŸapple •Ÿ‹ •Áà „U⁄U· ’„ÈU ’Ê⁄U ‚ÊÁπ ªı⁄UË‚H 28H<br />

Do.: sµura kavana råvana sarisa svakara kåti jehiÚ s∂sa,<br />

hune anala ati haraa bahu båra såkhi gaur∂sa.28.<br />

ìWhat hero is there equal to Råvaƒa, who with his own hands cut off his heads<br />

time and again and offered them to the sacrificial fire with great delight, as will be borne<br />

out by Gaur∂ís Spouse (Lord ›iva) Himself.î (28)<br />

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Cau.: jarata bilokeu° jabahiÚ kapålå, bidhi ke likhe a≈ka nija bhålå.<br />

nara ke° kara åpana badha bå° c∂, haseu° jåni bidhi girå aså° c∂.1.<br />

sou mana samujhi tråsa nahiÚ more° , likhå bira≈ci jara¢ha mati bhore°.<br />

åna b∂ra bala sa¢ha mama åge°, puni puni kahasi låja pati tyåge°.2.<br />

kaha a≈gada salajja jaga måh∂°, råvana tohi samåna kou nåh∂°.<br />

låjava≈ta tava sahaja subhåµu, nija mukha nija guna kahasi na kåµu.3.<br />

sira aru saila kathå cita rah∂, tåte båra b∂sa taiÚ kah∂.<br />

so bhujabala råkhehu ura ghål∂, j∂tehu sahasabåhu bali bål∂.4.<br />

sunu matima≈da dehi aba pµurå, kåte° s∂sa ki hoia sµurå.<br />

i≈drajåli kahu° kahia na b∂rå, kå¢ai nija kara sakala sar∂rå.5.<br />

ìWhen as my skulls began to burn I saw the decree of Providence traced on my<br />

brow and read that I was going to die at the hands of a mortal, I laughed; for I knew<br />

Brahmåís prophecy to be false. I am not afraid in my heart even when I remember this;<br />

for (I am sure) Brahmå must have traced the decree in his senile dementia. Yet, you fool,<br />

you repeatedly exalt the might of another hero in my presence, giving up all shame and<br />

decorum.î A∆gada replied: ìYes, there is no one in the whole world so shamefaced as<br />

you. You are bashful by your innate disposition, since you never indulge in self-praise.<br />

Only the story of offering your heads (to Lord ›iva) and lifting the mountain (Kailåsa) has<br />

been foremost in your mind and hence you have told it twenty times over. As for (the<br />

tale of) that strength of arm by which you were able to conquer Sahasrabåhu, Bali and<br />

Våli, you have kept it secret in your heart. Listen, fool, and brag no more. Can anyone<br />

turn a hero by cutting off oneís head ? A juggler is never called a hero even though he<br />

hacks to pieces his whole body with his own hands.î (1ó5)

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