Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* UTTARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

1051<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

Do.: prathama janma ke carita aba kahau° sunahu bihagesa,<br />

suni prabhu pada rati upajai jåte° mi¢ahiÚ kalesa.96(A).<br />

pµuruba kalpa eka prabhu juga kalijuga mala mµula,<br />

nara aru nåri adharma rata sakala nigama pratikµula.96(B).<br />

Listen, O lord of the feathered kingdom: I now proceed to narrate the story of my very<br />

first birth (within my memory), which is sure to engender in the heart of the listener love for<br />

the Lordís feet, which is the remedy for all afflictions. In a former Kalpa (round of creation),<br />

my lord, the world was passing through a Kaliyuga, the hotbed of sin, in which men and<br />

women were all steeped in unrighteousness and acted contrary to the Vedas. (96 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: tehiÚ kalijuga kosalapura jå∂, janmata bhayau° sµudra tanu på∂.<br />

siva sevaka mana krama aru bån∂, åna deva ni≈daka abhimån∂.1.<br />

dhana mada matta parama båcålå, ugrabuddhi ura da≈bha bisålå.<br />

jadapi raheu° raghupati rajadhån∂, tadapi na kachu mahimå taba jån∂.2.<br />

aba jånå maiÚ avadha prabhåvå, nigamågama puråna asa gåvå.<br />

kavanehu° janma avadha basa jo∂, råma paråyana so pari ho∂.3.<br />

avadha prabhåva jåna taba prån∂, jaba ura basahiÚ råmu dhanupån∂.<br />

so kalikåla ka¢hina uragår∂, påpa paråyana saba nara når∂.4.<br />

In that Kaliyuga I was born in the city of Ayodhyå and got the body of a ›µudra (a<br />

member of the labouring and artisan classes). A devotee of Lord ›iva in thought, word<br />

and deed, I was a reviler of other gods and conceited too. Intoxicated with the pride of<br />

pelf, I was most loquacious and savage of purpose and carried an enormous load of<br />

hypocrisy in my heart. Even though I dwelt in the capital of ›r∂ Råma (the lord of the<br />

Raghus), I failed to know even an iota of its glory then. Now I have come to know the<br />

greatness of Ayodhyå. Thus has it been sung by the Vedas, Tantras and Puråƒas that<br />

whoever has resided in Ayodhyå in any birth whatsoever surely becomes a votary of ›r∂<br />

Råma. A man comes to know the glory of Ayodhyå only when ›r∂ Råma, bow in hand,<br />

takes up His abode in his heart. That particular age of Kali was terrible indeed, O enemy<br />

of serpents; every man and woman was given over to sin. (1ó4)<br />

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Œ¢Á÷ã„U ÁŸ¡ ◊Áà ∑§ÁÀ¬ ∑§Á⁄U ¬˝ª≈U Á∑§∞ ’„ÈU ¬¢ÕH 97 (∑§)H<br />

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