International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

commitment to an open an inclusive pedagogical approach which values students’ opinions, seeks and welcomes<br />

students’ contributions to the classroom community of learners. This open and inclusive pedagogy was<br />

described by Davis & Sumara (2007) as being “oriented toward unimagined and not-yet-imaginable<br />

possibilities.” Davis & Sumara were not simply interested in finding a neat encapsulation. Their interest was to<br />

integrate some of the elements of complexity theory into the teacher’s role in learning, and outline “some of the<br />

specific guidelines that complexity thinking offers on how to enhance the possibilities of collectives by ensuring<br />

that the conditions for complex-self organization are in place”. Next, I will proceed to offer several segments of<br />

my own calculus classroom experiences, and try to tie them to the framework offered by Davis & Sumara<br />

(2007).<br />

Complexity of Teaching and Learning Calculus<br />

The classroom environment, which I envision, is based on small group learning strategies and activities<br />

specifically designed to foster the main traits of an integrated calculus curriculum in order to develop students’<br />

understandings through sustained interaction, conversation, and discussion. This vision, in essence, aligns nicely<br />

also with Doll’s (1993) post-modernist and process oriented ideas of curriculum built from the base of a<br />

constructivist and experiential epistemology. The commitment on my part to an open and inclusive pedagogical<br />

approach, which values students’ opinions, seeks, and welcomes students’ contributions to the classroom<br />

community of learners, needed to be communicated to my students during the first class meeting. Not being used<br />

to any other type of an environment except the traditional lecture-and-listen mode, it took some time for my<br />

students to begin to realize that an unconventional approach and a classroom environment were shaping up. I<br />

also paid specific attention to carefully fostering, and developing a sense of belonging, mutual respect and<br />

responsibility by designing collective experiences such as collaborative activities and group presentations based<br />

on those activities. According to Bowsfield, Breckenridge, Davis, et al. (2004), the aims of schooling, from a<br />

point of view of complexity research, shift our mindset to thinking in terms of being parts of larger social,<br />

cultural, technological, and ecological systems. I was committed to have a classroom environment toward<br />

helping individuals contribute and, maybe more importantly, have a sense of belonging to a community of<br />

learners. Breaking away from the role of teacher as a figure with centralized control and increasing neighbor and<br />

group interactions were some of the critical ideas on which I needed to focus. I believe that a genuine sense of<br />

belonging, on the part of students and teacher, and being responsible to and for one another are the necessary<br />

conditions for more ambitious learning in a classroom environment.<br />

Based on what Whitehead (1929) suggested on avoiding an education filled with inert ideas, I decided that I<br />

should be introducing the few and important main ideas of calculus into my students’ education, and as a<br />

community of learners, including myself as the teacher and a part of that community, investigate these main<br />

ideas as they are “thrown into every imaginable possible combination”, as well as the relations among these<br />

main ideas. I decided not to sweat the small stuff or have us bogged down in the proofs or in the rote<br />

memorization of formulae. I took up Whitehead (1929) on his suggestion and I did abandon “the fatal habit of<br />

cramming the students with theorems, which they do not understand and will never use.” For example, the<br />

concept of rate of change and the differentiation of a few fundamental polynomials, sin x and cos x were<br />

achieved easily with the aid of geometry. This approach, to which I affectionately and colloquially refer as<br />

“don’t sweat the small stuff”, resulted in creating spaces to discuss concepts which really influence thought.<br />

Palmer (2007) argued for a pedagogical circle to be neither teacher-centered nor student-centered, but<br />

subject-centered. I considered this subject-centered pedagogical circle to be very suitable to our classroom<br />

environment, and I shared this idea with my students. It should be noted, however, that a subject-centered<br />

pedagogical circle does not by any means imply that students are ignored. On the contrary, a subject-centered<br />

approach, as Palmer (2007) envisions it, has strong implications for opening spaces where students can have an<br />

ongoing conversation with the subject and with each others. In order to open such spaces, I, as a teacher, realized<br />

that I needed to break away from the old habit of “covering the field” via lecture-and-listen mode and to strive to<br />

teach more with less. Hence, I aim to create spaces and simultaneously investigate the subject in a much deeper<br />

level than just at a glance.<br />

Following some of the practices suggested by Wheatley (1991) on establishing learning environments<br />

conducive for students to construct their own mathematics in social settings, I used, in particular, problem<br />

centered learning with the intention of providing opportunities for learners to share their ideas for solutions both<br />

within small groups and within the whole community of learners in the classroom by way of group<br />

presentations. I encouraged students to select the problems they would like to investigate from a variety of<br />

sources including, but not limited to, the pool of problems I have collected and created over the years. Several of<br />

the students were also in a variety of engineering courses and chose problems from their respective engineering<br />


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