International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

9. Copy and pasting pictures without stating the author. 3.60 High Extent<br />

10. Uploading or using parts or the entire content of the video from the internet and claiming it as your<br />

own. 3.20 Moderate Extent<br />

Grand Mean 3.71 High Extent<br />

5.00-4.50-Very High Extent,4.49-3.50-High Extent, 3.49-2.50- Moderate Extent, 2.49-1.50-Low Extent, 1.49-0.50- Very Low Extent<br />

Extent of Students’ Cyber-plagiarism Behaviors<br />

The data above implies that majority of the fourth year education students cyber-plagiarize very often. The<br />

three highest means from table 3 coincides to the findings of Tsang (2006) that majority of the students<br />

admitted frequent commission of cyber-plagiarism specifically in obtaining essay on the internet. In connection<br />

to the Table 1, the student- respondents were highly aware of cyber-plagiarism but they still do it much often.<br />

Cavanillas (2008) stressed that these cases of plagiarism have to be examined under the light of Cybercrime Law<br />

in general and the Institutional manual in specific. Aside from these, the student’s manual in some universities<br />

does not state the distinction between cases when they negligently omits citing the source of some of the<br />

information included in their works.<br />

Table 2. Summary of the Respondent's Extent of Cyber-plagiarism Behaviors<br />

Indicators<br />

Mean<br />

Verbal<br />

Interpretation<br />

1. Claiming submitting another’s paper work or creation as own work. 3.04 Often<br />

2. Combines partially or the entire cited sources with copied passages without<br />

citation. 3.40 Often<br />

Contains significant portions of text from a single source without changing the ideas. 3.58 Frequently<br />

4. Mixes copied material from two or more sources. 3.69 Frequently<br />

5. Paraphrases the ideas from multiple sources and tried to make them fit together. 3.98 Frequently<br />

6. Annotated the source/s but the information is inaccurate about sources. 2.98 Often<br />

7. Includes proper citation to sources but all the contents were copy pasted. 3.40 Often<br />

8 Buying or purchasing paper from the internet and claim it as your own work. 2.51 Often<br />

9. Copy and pasting pictures without stating the author. 3.33 Often<br />

10. Uploading and using parts or the entire content of the video from the internet 2.65 Often<br />

and claiming it as your own.<br />

Grand Mean 3.26 Often<br />

5.00-4.50-Always,4.49-3.50-Frequently, 3.49-2.50- Often, 2.49-1.50-Sometimes, 1.49-0.50- Never<br />

Extent of Students’ Cyber-plagiarism Behaviors According to the <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong>s<br />

In order to avoid the subjectivity of the findings, the researcher also conducted the survey to the teachers of<br />

the respondents. The <strong>Education</strong> teachers revealed that based on their observation and checked paper works of<br />

students, students cyber-plagiarize often times. In this case, most of the teachers opined that the teacher has no<br />

authority to directly impose deduction of grades due to misbehavior of students or as a form of disciplinary<br />

measures as stated in the Batas Pambansa 232. This opinion was supported by Cavanillas (2008) in his findings<br />

that the teacher has no legal hold or direct control of students particularly in making deductions in grades. On the<br />

contrary, Cavanillas also clarified that the teacher can include the rule as part of the rubrics in checking the paper<br />

works of students.<br />

Significant Difference in the Respondents Assessment of Students’ Extent of Cyber-plagiarism Behaviors<br />

Table 3 presents the significant difference in the extent of cyber-plagiarism behaviors<br />

of education students as assessed by the students themselves and their teachers. As shown on the table, the<br />

computed t- value of 1.745 is lesser than the tabulated t-value of 2.120 and concludes that there is no significant<br />


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