International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

Governments. She observes that there has not been any systematic attention to regular up-dating of the teachers’<br />

knowledge and teaching skills in the light of changes in the curriculum and the wider society. The mentoring<br />

efforts of NTI which could be gleaned from its commitment to equipping serving teachers with practical skills<br />

and enhancing their mastery of subject matter as well as developing positive self-concept towards teaching<br />

profession though laudable, yet lacks the close relationship , partnership and support which distinguish<br />

mentoring from mere school supervision.<br />

Many teachers’ reluctance or refusal to register with <strong>Teacher</strong>s Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN)<br />

constitutes great problem in mentoring of teachers. Established in 1993, the TRCN has one of its functions as<br />

registration of teachers in Nigeria, organizing continuous training and development to enhance the instruction<br />

skills of teachers in all areas necessary in its Continuous Professional Development Programmes. The problem<br />

of poor records of where teachers are posted after graduation would have been solved if every teacher in Nigeria<br />

is registered with TRCN. Many teachers in tertiary institutions in Nigeria are not yet registered with TRCN.<br />

Helping teacher educators locate those they would like to mentor or outright allocation of teachers to mentors<br />

would have been very easy if all are registered with TRCN which stands in good position to start a formal<br />

mentoring exercise for teachers.<br />

Attention also has to be drawn to problem of relying on the two models of Continuing Professional<br />

Development being used in Nigeria. They are the workshop model and the school based –teacher professional<br />

support model (Mohamed,2006 cited in Fareo,2013).The former is the practice whereby workshop is organized<br />

for teachers of some subjects who are made to go to a particular centre during holidays to listen to facilitators<br />

.The latter is the practice whereby practicing teachers work collaboratively with the head teachers to provide<br />

supervision and support from older teachers in form of staff meeting corrections and demonstration classes. This<br />

is an internal and local arrangement which depends on the administrative style of the head teacher. <strong>Teacher</strong><br />

educators are hardly involved in this model.<br />

It may also be good to mention the lopsided nature of the workshop model. It appears to be discriminatory to the<br />

advantage of mathematics and science subjects and English language. The writers observed that subject areas<br />

other than those mentioned above do not receive equal attention.<br />


Every one , the mentor, the mentee and organization or institution benefits from mentoring. Penner(2001)<br />

presented full discourse on the benefits of mentoring in higher institution. We shall therefore adapt his ideas<br />

since they are apt to the discussion in this paper<br />

For the Mentor<br />

Enrichment through seeing someone else grow and succeed.<br />

Human development theory holds that among persons reaching mid-life there is a need to develop the<br />

next generation (Levinson). Investing in the success of one or more persons earlier in their life and<br />

career development provides opportunity to fill that need.<br />

Creativity generated by issues and ideas generated by someone younger and newer.<br />

When someone comes to a role or organization with questions and new ideas, creativity is stimulated.<br />

Pairing a senior and junior faculty member could provide stimulus for the senior faculty member’s<br />

ongoing creativity.<br />

Friendship.<br />

While the basic value of mentoring may be either an organizational or personal benefit to the mentor,<br />

the possibility exists that the relationship may develop into a friendship that lasts a lifetime. Biehl<br />

advocates that mentoring relationships be considered a lifelong relationships.<br />

For the Mentee<br />

Speedier adaptation to a new role and/or organization and reduced likelihood of frustration and<br />

failure.<br />

One of the values a more experienced mentor brings is access to information and suggestions for<br />

success. To have someone be proactive in behalf of one’s orientation and success should speed up the<br />

adaptation process and reduce the chances of making organizational gaffes.<br />

Increased exposure to ideas and connections. By definition one of the contributions of a mentor is to<br />

offer the mentee helpful information, suggestions, and even introduction to others who can be helpful to<br />

the person.<br />

Friendship. While initially one cannot expect friendship, it may well be an outcome and long-term<br />

benefit. {48}<br />

For the Organization<br />


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