International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

Data sources include:<br />

Hiring data<br />

Mentor evaluations of interns<br />

Parent feedback<br />

Intern interviews<br />

Administrator interviews<br />

Feedback via surveys from local teachers who received training from interns<br />


Is the TDP effective?<br />

Interns were interviewed and asked if the TDP was effective. One intern stated: “When I was hired at<br />

KAUST, I thought teaching was easy and now I am good. But I learned that here, the way of thinking is how can<br />

I be better, be the best, or improve? That has completely changed my personality.” Another stated: “What I learn<br />

in the TDP is things like when I covered bus duty for another Saudi last week. She told me thank you since she<br />

had to come late because she had to drop her kids off at day care. I told her I, also, had to drop my kids off at day<br />

care but I did it first and then covered her bus duty.”<br />

Most comments were about work ethic and how they learned that they must be at school on time and<br />

stay until, at least, 4:00. Quantitative data on attendance indicated a significant increase in attendance for interns<br />

in their 2 nd semester (from an average of 5 absences to 2). Time management was a challenge to some interns<br />

who learned not to wait until the night before to do lesson planning. However, some interns began the TDP with<br />

perfect attendance and excellent time management so they were able to move right into advanced skills such as<br />

curriculum development. No matter what skills the interns began with, they improve on target areas due to<br />

constant monitoring and support. There are several building coordinators available to work with interns in<br />

addition to Mentors.<br />

Hiring is a measure of effectiveness as successful interns may be offered jobs at TKS. Several TDP graduates<br />

have taken fulltime positions at TKS. One intern chose to exit the TDP to go into a different career field. One<br />

intern was exited from the program due to lack of success.<br />

The interns conducted training for 40 teachers from the schools just outside of KAUST. The Mentors<br />

prepared the materials with the interns so the interns could present in Arabic. Feedback, via evaluation forms,<br />

from the attending teachers was overwhelmingly positive. Several teachers told the interns that they “couldn’t<br />

believe you are interns.”<br />

Do students benefit?<br />

Mentor teachers stated the benefits for students of having an intern in the classroom. The most common<br />

responses were related to being able to give individual students more attention while the intern worked with<br />

small groups. One Mentor was able to work with her class while the intern worked with a high needs student<br />

one-on-one. This benefited all students.<br />

Parent comments and email messages show the benefits for students. One intern, in particular, has several<br />

email messages, from a variety of parents, thanking her for teaching Arabic to their English-speaking children.<br />

One parent told the Coordinator that one of the benefits of working at KAUST was that his daughter is learning<br />

Arabic. Several elementary students, being taught by a TDP intern, state that they love learning and speaking<br />

Arabic. Another parent shared how she loved her child’s teacher and had just learned that the teacher was a TDP<br />

intern.<br />

Do interns benefit?<br />

The level of training and experience results in the interns becoming highly qualified teachers. A principal and a<br />

department chair stated that the interns were more qualified than some current teachers. The interns have<br />

received much more training than some current teachers so their knowledge of pedagogy far surpasses that of<br />

teachers without degrees or experience in education. With one of the goals (and benefits) of the TDP being<br />

opportunities for leadership, the interns are trained to go above and beyond classroom teaching. For example,<br />

interns have conducted teacher training, are developing curriculum for Islamic Studies, and assessments for IB<br />

Arabic. These activities benefit the interns, in terms of experience and career building.<br />

Several interns discuss their experiences of culture shock, even though they are in their home country. One<br />

expressed her surprise when she arrived at TKS and saw powerful technology used in every class, students who<br />

were actually excited to learn, and groups of teachers that collaborated on lessons daily. No interns mention any<br />


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