International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

degrees in disciplines other than accounting, or people employed in business, with the foundation studies to<br />

become a professional accountant. Special attention is placed on mature and motivated student seeking a career<br />

in accounting for which no prior professional experience will be required. This group of people represents the<br />

group at risk due to their high unemployment (FASTER consortium, 2013).<br />

The field of finance & accounting is a profession with a key role in strengthening national economies and the<br />

promotion of entrepreneurship. Based on the analysis of labour market, and European Commission documents<br />

and activities done in the field of education and accountancy the FASTER partnership defined main aims and<br />

objectives of the project (FASTER consortium, 2013):<br />

• to produce a modern technological e-learning & knowledge-sharing environment on finance and accounting<br />

which allows both students and professionals in pursuit of lifelong learning to gain practical knowledge on<br />

their discipline, but not restricted to national borders. Apart from e-learning environment platform will<br />

propose a job seeking mechanism,<br />

• to link studies & working environment and widen transnational pursuit of jobs in finance and accounting,<br />

• to offer new incentives and produce a prototype ICT environment expandable to all languages and to all<br />

disciplines.<br />

All project consortium countries (United Kingdom, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia) are countries with<br />

different types of economy and different taxation and accounting legislation systems. Therefore, engaging<br />

partners from these countries, guarantees that FASTER outcomes will meet multiple European Union (EU)<br />

needs in accounting education and employment. Another parameter the consortium meets is the geographical<br />

coverage of EU (North, Middle and South-eastern Europe), so it has potential in increasing employment<br />

mobility and integration of job markets within involved EU member states. (Palova & Vejacka, 2013)<br />

The developed platform improve the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training through the<br />

review of its primary structure and curricula qualification, setting professional rights and establishing a system<br />

of formal accreditation of learning at a Pan-European Qualifications Framework. Furthermore, FASTER aims at<br />

fostering long-term career advancement and international mobility, ensuring that the professional development<br />

of certified general accountants remains a lifelong experience which distinguishes graduates with any<br />

accounting qualifications in the job market while at the same time providing graduates with degrees in<br />

disciplines other than accounting, or people employed in business, with the foundation studies to become a<br />

professional accountant (FASTER consortium, 2012).<br />

Modern information and communication technologies bring crucial changes into the educational system,<br />

including accounting courses. These technologies enable to obtain knowledge using more senses and without<br />

presence of a teacher. Slovak universities offer long distance education through self-instructive materials,<br />

educational technologies, Internet and tutor’s help. In Slovakia Authors of educational textbook scripts share<br />

them in both paper and electronic version, while in Poland academics give access to educational materials<br />

through their own web page close to university web page. In Slovakia textbooks have a compact style, they<br />

separate crucial information from secondary data, and they specify entry knowledge necessary for the study of<br />

different chapters. Methodical instructions and system of tests and accounting examples are important<br />

components of the textbooks and they allow verifying of the accounting knowledge and skills. The new<br />

technologies change the entire educational process and they offer the education to the bigger amount of students.<br />

(Tusan & Stasova, 2008)<br />


There was considerable debate in the accounting literature about a gap between competencies taught at<br />

universities and those needed in the workplace (Sundem, 1999; Brungardt, 2009) and opinion that students were<br />

not being prepared for the business world (Albrecht and Sack, 2000).<br />

The accounting education follows the national legislation of the accounting and accounting procedures,<br />

furthermore it follows mandatory accounting chart in Slovakia and “model” accounting chart in Poland – each<br />

company obligated to conduct accounting books has to create their own accounting chart. When accounting<br />

education is focused on the transfer of the bookkeeping skills and knowledge, students are tempted to habitually<br />

match the accounts with the accounting transactions. (Tusan & Stasova, 2008)<br />

Beginning accounting students struggle with the new terminology and the unfamiliar concept of accounting<br />

for transactions and using financial information for managerial decision making. Bryant and Hunton (2000),<br />

Farley and Ramsay (1998), and Krausz et al. (1989) found that learning is enhanced when students relate new<br />

knowledge to a previous experience, putting it in a context that can be used. Students did not think profoundly<br />

about the final impact of the business transaction on the financial situation of the accounting unit. This explains<br />


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