International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

learning, learning environment, diversity of learning, curriculum, planning, assessing and reporting, community<br />

linkages, and personal growth and professional development. For the purpose of this study, the instrument was<br />

modified by using numerical value to be encircled for ease in scoring. This was validated by experts.<br />


The researchers personally administered the questionnaire and checklists to student-teachers. Administration<br />

followed immediately after they are settled for classroom observations. The administration was supplemented<br />

with discussion to the respondents on how to properly answer the instruments.<br />


To provide precise and objective presentation, analysis and interpretation of the qualitative and quantitative<br />

information of the study, the following statistical tools were employed:<br />

1. To determine the profile of the respondents, frequency and percentage were used.<br />

2. To determine the level of competency of the student-teachers in seven (7) domains, mean was used.<br />

3. To test the significant difference in the perception of the respondent groups on the level of competency<br />

of SUCs student-teachers, One-Way ANOVA was used.<br />

4. To test the significant relationship between SUCs student-teachers competency and the identified<br />

variables in their profile, Pearson Product Moment of Correlation Coefficient was used.<br />

The data were treated accordingly using Window-based SPSS with the help of a qualified statistician.<br />


Each specific performance indicator under the seven (7) domains of the TEDP Checklists was provided 3-<br />

point Likert-type scale with the following legend:<br />

Scale<br />

Interpretation<br />

3 I can do this very well<br />

2 I can do this but I need to learn more and improve<br />

1 I am learning how to do this<br />

The scores in each domain are added and the total is divided by the number of items (specific performance<br />

indicators) under the domain. To obtain the competency level by individual student-teacher, the score in each<br />

domain are added again and the total is divided by 7. The score is interpreted as follows:<br />

Scale<br />

Interpretation<br />

3.25-4.00 Very Competent – satisfies most of the performance indicators<br />

2.50-3.24 Competent – satisfies 75% of the performance indicators<br />

1.75-2.49 Fairly Competent – satisfies 50% of the performance indicators<br />

1.00-1.74 Poorly Competent – satisfies below 50% of the performance indicators<br />


The results are presented according to the order of the Statement of the Problem as stated above.<br />

1. Majority of the respondents of this study were female (70%) who are mostly 20 years old and below (63%).<br />

In terms of socio-economic status of parents, the profile showed that majority of the respondents’ mothers<br />

and fathers are elementary(39%) and high school levels (35%), respectively, who are working mostly as<br />

unskilled or service workers. The family income reported by the respondents indicated that a great majority<br />

have a low annual family income (77%). The profile also revealed that most of the respondents belong to a<br />

family with six (6) members (74%). Moreover, majority of the respondents’ aptitude in OLSAT is below<br />

average (44%); majority of the respondents have average aptitude in teaching (49%) and in English<br />

proficiency (57%), respectively.<br />

2. The level of competence of SUCs student-teachers as perceived by respondents on the seven domains of the<br />

teaching and learning process when taken as a whole is high (see Tables 4, 5 and 6).<br />

However, when each domain is considered separately, the respondents rated average only on the community<br />

linkages.<br />

Table 4. Level of competence of SUCS student-teachers as perceived by themselves<br />


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