International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

Principles of IKRAM-MUSLEH <strong>Teacher</strong>’s Training<br />

Admittedly, training our teachers to be murabbic in character is not an easy task. A huge amount of effort,<br />

expenditure and expertise need to be used in such efforts. Nevertheless, the training program will is based on the<br />

basic principle as stated by said Hassan Al-Banna<br />

“O Ikhwan! .. Prepare yourself and be focused on the appropriate tarbiah processes and assess its<br />

effectiveness and efficiency via your actions and deeds. Truly, the most difficult tasks upon you are those which<br />

are detested by the lustful mind; it is of utmost importance that you divorce your actions from lustful minds and<br />

blind rituals” (Hasan al-Banna. 1983. Pg 37).<br />

Based on the above suggestions, IKRAM-MUSLEH <strong>Teacher</strong>’s training success is based on 3 main tarbiah<br />

principles; as follows: (IKRAM-MUSLEH, 2013a).<br />

The pillars of tarbiah are murabbi (mentor), mutarabbi (mentee), manhaj (curriculum) and biah<br />

(environment).<br />

The process of tarbiah must be effective and efficient. It must be varied, simple and enjoyable. Topics, depth<br />

of knowledge and lingo must be suitable to mentees. Achievements must be appreciated and encouragement<br />

given such that mentees are left eager to come back for more learning experience.<br />

The characteristics of tarbiah process are as follows:-<br />

Rabbaniah (Godly).<br />

It is about purifying the soul to enhance strong iman (faith) to Allah s.w.t., done based on the teachings of al-<br />

Quran, as shown by as-sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and human nature. Seeking the pleasure of Allah<br />

s.w.t. is the ultimate. Love for Akhirat (Herafter) must be solid. Cleansing the soul from sins must be based on<br />

the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Ridding the person’s character of mazmumah (negative attributes) must<br />

be continuous. Supplications, basmalah (in the name of Allah), tadarus (recitation of Al-Quran), hafazan<br />

(memorisation of Al-Quran), istighfar (seeking forgiveness), tazkirah (spiritual reminders), ikhlas (sincere),<br />

wudhu (ablution), ihsan (submissiveness), reading stories from muslim greats and congregational prayers as<br />

daily rituals are a must. Evidently, they have great influence on the mentee’s affections, emotions and frame of<br />

mind which are then translated into beneficial actions and deeds to the society. The heart must be hopeful of the<br />

rahmah (blessing) from Allah s.w.t., fearful of His punishment s.w.t. and believe that, one day, every soul will<br />

return to Al-Mighty Allah s.w.t.<br />

Syumul (comprehensive).<br />

It is a complete, holistic and well balanced system which fulfils every aspect of a person’s life based on<br />

syahadatain (the Islamic ideology). It covers aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor which includes<br />

knowledge, outlook, point of view, feelings, work, deeds, actions, mind, heart, limbs, quality, quantity,<br />

horizontal and vertical progress. The person which undergoes the process of tarbiah therefore must always be<br />

humble and never arrogant. Existing circumstances and situations, however, is a major factor which determines<br />

the final details of programmes and activities.<br />

Tajmiah wa tazimiah (gather and organise).<br />

Lessons learnt from the historical occasion of Baiatul Aqabah, shows that new recruits must be gathered,<br />

organised, managed, assigned, inspired and disciplined. During Baiatul Aqabah, there were 72 men and 2<br />

women whereby Rasulullah s.a.w. selected 12 naqib (leader) from amongst them. In fact, Rasulullah s.a.w. once<br />

said that 3 persons is enough to be considered a group and that a leader from amongst them must be elected<br />

without delay.<br />

Harakiah (Movement)<br />

A key forte of Rasulullah s.a.w. was his ability, by the will of Allah s.w.t., to move men into action towards<br />

reforming the society, establising the Islamic State in seeking the pleasure of Allah s.w.t. He successfully<br />

reformed individuals into men of outstanding calibre and consequently through them, managed to change society<br />

which accepted Islam as way of life based on Al-Quranul karim wa sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. Efforts to reform<br />

society will not work until and unless the muslims themselves interact, intermingle and interrelate (muayasyah)<br />

every individual in society, inviting them to Islam, enjoining that is good, forbidding that is evil and believe in<br />

Allah s.w.t. They display abundant love and respect, get to know more on each and everyone of them, the<br />

positives and negatives and afterwards make improvements and reforms. Individually, they make visits,<br />

exchange gifts, send messages, participates in programmes, accepts invitations, make personal calls, offers<br />

financial help and tuitions, make personal notes and appointments, celebrate birthdays, confides on personal<br />

issues, giving trust and sharing common interest. Collectively, they perform jamaah prayers, katibah (night<br />


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