International Teacher Education Conference 2014 1




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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

About the Peculiar Aspects of Relativity and Beyond: A Pedagogical<br />

Perspective<br />

Paolo Di Sia a *<br />

a<br />

Free University of Bolzano - Faculty of <strong>Education</strong> - Viale Ratisbona 16 - 39042 Bressanone,Italy<br />

Abstract<br />

In this paper a pedagogical, but rigorous introduction to the key concepts of relativity is presented. Starting by<br />

the notions of space and time, of fundamental importance for the evolution for the global knowledge of children<br />

already in the primary school, it arrives to indications about the teaching of relativity in the high school and<br />

university. Interesting considerations related to fascinating topics, like the evolution of the concept of spacetime<br />

and the unusual amazing peculiarities emerging by the extensions of relativity, will be done.<br />

Keywords:<br />


The Einstein’s theory of general relativity (1915) is a theory concerning space, time and gravity. Before 1905,<br />

the causal structure of space and time identified a notion of simultaneity: for a given event “A”, i.e. a point in<br />

space at an instant of time, it is possible to define the future of “A”, all events that, in principle, can be achieved<br />

by a particle which starts from “A” (Einstein & Lawson, 2012 - Einstein & Infeld, 1967 - Einstein, 2013). The<br />

same can be said for the past of “A”. What is not in the past or in the future of “A” is the set of simultaneous<br />

events to “A”. This implied the possibility of separating the study of space-time in separate studies of space and<br />

time. This is the pre-relativistic notion of the structure of space-time. The theory of relativity has aroused a great<br />

philosophical interest for its deep implications on crucial concepts, such as those of space, time, matter, absolute,<br />

relative, and for the assignment of physical meaning to non-Euclidean geometries, issues that have their roots<br />

and are inherent to the essence of the man, since his childhood.<br />

Identifying space with gravitational field, physics becomes a real geometry, a doctrine of the possible forms<br />

in the space. Even this close link to the geometry leads to the early experiences of the child, relative to her/his<br />

orientation in space. Hans Reichenbach spoke of a theory that is based on a critique of the apodictic character of<br />

each “a-priori” concept, by means of the method of successive approximation of the principles to the experience,<br />

that is the main modality with which the child compares her/himself to the external world (Reichenbach, 1957 -<br />

Reichenbach, 2011).<br />

For all that, the Einstein’s theory becomes an important and precious contribution, described with high<br />

mathematics elegance, which is based on the fundamental concepts of space and time and has a large cross on<br />

the first child’s activities, related to the knowledge and understanding of the world (Di Sia, 2013).<br />


The theme of space and time leads to interesting proposals for cross activities as early as in the primary<br />

school. It is possible to consider:<br />

1) the use of space as exploration of different environments and organization of spatial relationships;<br />

2) the acquisition of the spatial orientation and the intuition of the first simple concepts of geometry and<br />

measurement (logic-mathematical area) (Polya, 1973);<br />

3) to know how to manage the basis motor skills in different situations, in an increasingly and autonomous<br />

modality, through:<br />

- the self-knowledge,<br />

- the knowledge of the other (psycho-motor area),<br />

- the knowledge of the objects,<br />

- the knowledge of the space-time (Ausubel, Novak, & Hanesian, 1978).<br />

E-mail address: paolo.disia@gmail.com<br />


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