Minority v subsytéme kultúry

Minority v subsytéme kultúry

Minority v subsytéme kultúry

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increase in the number of people who did not want or were not able to nationally identify themselves. In the study of 2008/2009there was a clear decrease of German identification in favor of ethnic minorities – Silesian. Graphically it can be represented asfollows:PolesGermansSilesiansLack of identificationFig. 3 National identification of youth – distributed identification(research 2005 and 2008/2009). Source: Own preparationIn the cultural borderlands such as the Opole region, a large part of the population, including young people find it difficultto unambiguously identify themselves nationally. This is particularly true of autochthons. It follows that national identificationis not a major problem in their lives and they can function without thinking about it. Defining a nationality is exceedingly difficult.This state of affairs can be linked with the socio-political situation of the recent years. Poland became part of the EuropeanUnion, and become an equal member along with Germany. Germans are no longer presented in a negative light. The image ofthe country and its citizens is positive. There is no longer the image of Germany as the enemy. It is one of the reasons for thelack of confrontation between the two nations. The other reason for the distributions of identification, is the realization by theautochthons of differences in their identity as compared with „the Germans from Germany“. Frequent trips to Germany andcontact with the Germans realize the differences. Therefore, in spite of German origin they also highlight their Polish roots.In conclusion, one can wonder, if currently national identification is an important problem on the borderlands. This situationespecially concerns young people. Is it not true that, in connection with the next generation, mixed marriages, the concept ofidentification is blurred and distorted? Other important terms relating to identity, such as being a citizen of the European Unionor being European are emerging. These are questions for further research.BibliographyBOKSZAŃSKI, Z. Obrazy innych etnicznych a tożsamość narodowa. „Kultura a Społeczeństwo” 1995 nr. 4. (ISSN 0023-5152).BOKSZAŃSKI, Z. Tożsamości zbiorowe. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 2005. (ISBN 83-01-14409-2).Głogówek. Text: B. GRZEGORCZYK. Głogówek: Urząd Miasta i Gminy. 2005. (without ISBN).KOSIŃSKI, L. Pochodzenie terytorialne ludności Ziem Zachodnich w 1950 roku. Warszawa: PWN. 1960. (without ISBN).KŁOSKOWSKA, A. Konwersja narodowa i narodowe kultury. Studium przypadku. „Kultura i Społeczeństwo” 1992 nr. 4. (0033-2437).KŁOSKOWSKA A. Otwarte i zamknięte postawy narodowe w sytuacji pogranicza. „Kultura i Społeczeństwo” 1995 nr. 3. (0033-2437).KŁOSKOWSKA A. Kultury narodowe u korzeni. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 1996. (83-01-11997-7).KORBEL, J. Łączenie rodzin (1952-1981). In: Historyczne, polityczne i prawne aspekty tez RFN o niemieckiej mniejszości narodowejw Polsce. Ed. J. Barcz. Cz. 1. Warszawa: CKBZH. 1988. (without ISBN).134

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