The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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(˚âpac!yana); SnA 374; PvA 11 sq., 16, 38, 240. -- p!tika one who eats only food received in the alms --<br />

bowl; ˚anga is one of the dhutanga ordinances (see dhutanga) Vin i.253; ii.32 (˚anga), 299 (+pa'suk(lika);<br />

iii.15 (id.); M i.30; iii.41; A iii.391; Pug 59, 69; SnA 57 (˚dhutanga). -- pi*.ap!tika bhikkhu a bh. on his<br />

alms -- round Vism 246 (in simile); VbhA 229 (id.). Cp. BSk. pi*.ap!tika Av- i.248. -- p!tikatta (abstr. to<br />

prec.) the state of eating alms -- food, a characteristic of the Buddhist bhikkhu M iii.41; S ii.202, 208 sq.; A<br />

i.38; iii.109.<br />

Pi*.aka<br />

Pi*.aka [fr. pi*.a] (alms) -- food A iv.185 (SS pi*.ap!ta); in phrase na pi*.akena kilamati not go short of<br />

food Vin iii.15, 87; iv.23, in ukka -- pi*.aka meaning a cluster of msects or vermin Vin i.211=239 (v. l.<br />

pi*.uka).<br />

Pi*.i<br />

Pi*.i (f.) [cp. pi*.a & Sk. pi*."] a lump, round mass, ball, cluster D i.74=A iii.25 (nah!niya˚ ball of<br />

fragrant soap; DA i.218: pi*.a); M iii.92; J i.76 (phala˚); ii.393; iii.53 (amba˚); Miln 107; Vism 500<br />

(pi&&ha˚); DhA iii.207 (amba˚).<br />

Pi*.ika<br />

Pi*.ika ( -- ˚) in chatta˚ -- vivara is a little doubtful, the phrase prob. means "a crevice in the covering (i. e.<br />

the round mass) of the canopy or sunshade" J vi.376. Dutoit (J. trsln vi.457) translates "opening at the<br />

back of the sunshade," thus evidently reading "pi&&hika."<br />

Pi*.ita<br />

Pi*.ita (adj.) [pp. of pi*.eti, cp. BSk. pi*.itam(lya lump -- sum Divy 500] 1. made into a lump, massed<br />

together, conglomerated, thick Th 2, 395. -- 2. "ball-like," close, compact; of sound: J ii.439; vi.519.<br />

Pindiy!lopa<br />

Pindiy!lopa [pi*.i+!lopa] a morsel of food Vin i.58 (˚bhojana), 96 (id.); A ii.27; It 102.<br />

Pi*.eti<br />

Pi*.eti [Denom. fr. pin.a] to ball together, mix, put together Pv ii.952 (= pisana -- vasena yojeti PvA 135).<br />

pp. pi*.ita.<br />

Pi*.ola<br />

Pi*.ola [etym. unclear] one who seeks alms S iii.93= It 89; cp. Np. ˚bh!radv!ja SnA 346, 514, 570.<br />

Pi*.olya<br />

Pi*.olya (nt.) [fr. pi*.ola] asking for alms, alms -- round S iii.93=It 89; Vism 31.<br />

Pitar<br />

Pitar [Vedic pit%, pitar -- ; cp. Gr. path/r; Lat. pater, Jup- piter, Dies -- piter=*zeu\s path/r; Goth. fadar=Ger.<br />

vater= E. father; Oir. athir etc. to onomat. syllable *pa -- pa,

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