The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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M!nusaka=m!nusa, viz. 1. (adj.) human: A i.213 (sukha'); Sn 524 (brahma -- khetta'); Dh 417 (yoga'= m.<br />

k!ya' DhA iv.225); Vv 356; J i.138 (k!m!). -- f. manusik! Vism 407. -- 2. a human being, man Pv iv.157.<br />

Also nt. (collectively) pl. m!nusak!ni human beings, men DhA i.233.<br />

M!neti<br />

M!neti [Caus. of man, cp. Sk. m!nayati, Lat. moneo to admonish. Ger. mahnen, Ags. manian. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp<br />

593 gives root as m!n in meaning "p(j!"] to honour, revere, think highly of PvA 54 (aor.<br />

m!nesu',+garukari'su+p(jesu'). -- pp. m!nita.<br />

M!paka<br />

M!paka ( -- ˚) (adj. n.) [fr. m!peti] one who measures, only in do*a˚ (a minister) measuring the d. revenue<br />

(of rice) J ii.367, 381; DhA iv.88; and in dhañña˚ measuring corn or grain J iii.542 (˚kamma, the process of<br />

. . .); Vism 278 (in comparison).<br />

M!peti<br />

M!peti [Caus. of m!, see min!ti. <strong>The</strong> simplex mim"te has the meaning of "erect, build" already in Vedic<br />

Sk.] 1. to build, construct S ii.106 (nagara'); Mhvs 6, 35 (id.); Vv 8453; VvA 260. -- 2. to create, bring<br />

about, make or cause to appear by supernatural power (in folkoristic literature, cp. nimmin!ti in same<br />

sense) J ii.111 (sar"ra' n!va' katv! m!pesi transformed into a ship); iv.274; Mhvs 28, 31 (magga' caused a<br />

road to appear). -- 3. to measure out (?), to declare (?), in a doubtful passage J iv.302, where a misreading is<br />

probable, as indicated by v. l. BB (sam!passi'su for T. tena am!payi'su). Perhaps we should read tena --<br />

m!sayi'su.<br />

M!maka<br />

M!maka (adj.) [fr. mama] lit. "mine," one who shows affection (not only for himself), making one's own,<br />

i.e. devoted to, loving Sn 806 (=Buddha˚, Dhamma˚, Sangha˚ Nd1 125; =mam!yam!na SnA 534), 927<br />

(same expln at Nd1 382); Miln 184 (ahi'saya' para' loke piyo hohisi m!mako ti), -- Buddha˚ devoted to<br />

the B. J i.299; DhA i.206. f. ˚m!mik! J iii.182. In voc. f. m!mike at Th 2, 207 (cp. ThA 172) "mother,"<br />

we may perhaps have an allusion to m! "mother" [cp. Sk. m!ma uncle, Lat. mamma mother, and m!t!]. --<br />

am!maka see sep.; this may also be taken as "not loving."<br />

M!y!<br />

M!y! (f.) [cp. Vedic m!y!. Suggestions as to etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. manticulor] 1. deceptive<br />

appearance, fraud, deceit, hypocrisy Sn 245, 328 (˚kata deceit), 469, 537, 786, 941 (: m!y! vuccati<br />

vañcanik! cariy! Nd1 422); Vbh 357, 361, 389; Miln 289; Vism 106 (+s!theyya, m!na, p!picchat! etc.),<br />

479 (m!y! viya viññ!*a'); VbhA 34 (in detail), 85, 493 (def.). Is not used in <strong>Pali</strong> Abhidhamma in a<br />

philosophical sense. 2. mystic formula, magic, trick M i.381 (!va&&an" m.). khattiya˚ the mystic formula<br />

of a kh. J vi.375; Miln 190; DhA i.166. In the sense of "illusion" often combd with mar"ci, e. g. at J ii.330;<br />

v.367; Nd2 680a ii. -- 3. jugglery, conjuring Miln 3. -- On m!y! in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 122; on term<br />

in general Dhs trsl.2 255 ("il)usion"); Expos. 333, 468n. -- As adj. in am!ya (q. v.) & in bahu -- m!ye rich<br />

in deceit SnA 351. -- Note. In the word ma' at KhA 123 (in pop. etym. of man -- gala) the ed. of the text<br />

sees an acc. of m! which he takes to be a contracted form of m!y! (=iddhi). -- k!ra a conjurer, magician S<br />

iii.142; Vism 366 (in comparison); VbhA 196.<br />

M!y!vin<br />

M!y!vin (adj.) [fr. m!y!, cp. Vedic m!y!vin] deceitful, hypocritical D iii.45, 246; Sn 89, 116, 357; Pug 19,<br />

23; PvA 13. See also am!y!vin.

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