The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bhe*.i [perhaps identical with & only wrong spelling<br />

-- 509 --<br />

for bhe*.u=ka*.u2] a kind of missile used as a weapon, arrow Vin iii.77 (where enumd with asi, satti &<br />

lagu)a in expln of upanikkhipana).<br />

Bhe*.u<br />

Bhe*.u [with v. l. ge*.u, of uncertain reading & meaning. Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 107 gives gi*.u & remarks<br />

that this cannot be derived fr. ka*.uka (although ka*.u may be considered as gloss of bhe*.u at Th 1, 164:<br />

see ka*.u2), but belongs with Prk. ge*.ui play & P. ge*.uka and the originally Sk. words genduka,<br />

ginduka, ge*.u, ge*.uka to a root gid, gi., Prk. gi*.ai to play. Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, 90 says: "I am<br />

inclined to read ge*.u in all cases & to compare it with ge.uka & ge*.uka a ball"] a ball, bead; also a ball -<br />

- shaped ornament or turret, cupola Th 1, 164 (see ka*.u2) J i.386 (also ˚maya ball -- shaped); iii.184 (v. l.<br />

ge*.u).<br />

Bhe*.uka<br />

Bhe*.uka1 [in all probability misreading for ge*.uka. <strong>The</strong> v. l. is found at all passages. Besides this occur<br />

the vv. ll. ke*.uka (=ka*.uka?) & ku*.ika] a ball for playing J iv.30, 256; v.196; vi.471; DhsA 116. See<br />

also ge*.uka.<br />

Bhe*.uka<br />

Bhe*.uka2 [fr. bhe*.u, identical with bhe*.uka1] a knob, cupola, round tower J i.2 (mah! -- bh˚ --<br />

pam!*a).<br />

Bhettar<br />

Bhettar [n. ag. fr. bhid] a breaker, divider A v.283.<br />

Bheda<br />

Bheda [fr. bhid, cp. Ved. & Class. Sk. bheda in same meanings] 1. breaking, rending, breach, disunion,<br />

dissension Vism 64 sq. (contrasted with !nisa'sa), 572 sq. (with ref. to up!d!na & bhava); VbhA 185 (id.);<br />

Sdhp 66, 457, 463. -- mithu˚ breaking of alliance D ii.76; J iv.184; Kvu 314. -- vac"˚ breaking of [the rule<br />

as to] speech Miln 231. -- sangha˚ disunion in the Sangha Vin ii.203. -- s"la˚ breach of morality J v.163. --<br />

abl. bhed! after the destruction or dissolution in phrase k!yassa bhed! param mara*!, i. e. after the breaking<br />

up of the body & after death: see k!ya I. e. & cp. D iii.52, 146 sq., 258; Dh 140; Pug 51. -- 2. ( -- ˚) sort,<br />

kind, as adj. consisting of, like J ii.438; vi.3 (ka&uk' !di˚); DhA iii.14 (k!ya -- sucarit' -- !di˚ -- bhadra --<br />

kamm!ni); SnA 290 (Av"ci -- !di -- ˚ niraya). -- kara causing division or dissension Vin ii.7; iii.173; v.93<br />

(cp. Vin i.354 & Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.266 for the 18 errors in which the Sangha is brought into division by<br />

bhikkhus who are in the wrong); DhsA 29 (a&&h!rasa bheda -- kara -- vatth(ni the 18 causes of dissension).<br />

Bhedaka<br />

Bhedaka (adj. n.) [fr. bheda] breaking, dividing, causing disunion; (m.) divider Vin ii.205; J vi.382. -- nt.<br />

adv. bhedaka', as in ˚nakha in such a way as to break a nail DA i.37.<br />


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