The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Tappa*a (nt.) [Sk. tarpa*a] satiating, refreshing; a restorative, in netta˚ some sort of eye -- wash D i.12 (in<br />

combn w. ka**a -- tela & natthu -- kamma).<br />

Tappati<br />

Tappati1 [Sk. tapyate, Pass. of tapati] to burn, to be tormented: to be consumed (by remorse) Dh 17, 136 (t.<br />

sehi kammehi dummedho=paccati DhA iii.64).<br />

Tappati<br />

Tappati2 [Sk. t%pyate, caus. tarpayati; *terp=Gr. te/rpw] (instr.) to be satiated, to be pleased, to be satisfied<br />

J i.185 (puriso p!y!sassa t.); ii.443; v.485=Miln 381 (samuddo na t. nad"hi the ocean never has enough of<br />

all the rivers); Vv 8413. -- grd. tappiya satiable, in atappiya -- vatth(ni (16) objects of insatiability J iii.342<br />

(in full). Also tappaya in cpd. dut˚ hard to be satisfied A i.87; Pug 26. -- pp. titta. -- Caus. tappeti to satisfy,<br />

entertain, regale, feed It 67 (annap!nena); Pv ii.48 (id.) Miln 227; -- pp. tappita.<br />

Tappara<br />

Tappara (adj.) [Sk. tatpara] quite given to or intent upon ( -- ˚), diligent, devoted ThA 148 (Ap. 57, 66)<br />

(m!nap(jana˚ & buddhopa&&h!na˚).<br />

Tappetar<br />

Tappetar [n. ag. to tappeti] one who satisfies, a giver of good things in combn titto ca tappet! ca: self --<br />

satisfied & satisfying others A i.87; Pug 27 (of a Samm!sambuddha).<br />

Tab˚<br />

Tab˚ in cpds. tabbisaya, tabbahula, etc.=ta'˚, see under ta˚ I. a.<br />

Tama<br />

Tama (nt.) & tamo [Sk. tamas, tam & tim, cp. tamisra= Lat. tenebrae; also timira dark & P. tibba, timira;<br />

Ohg. dinstar & finstar; Ags. thimm, E. dim] darkness (syn. andhak!ra, opp. joti), lit. as well as fig. (mental<br />

darkness= ignorance or state of doubt); one of the dark states of life & rebirth; adj. living in one of the dark<br />

spheres of life (cp. ka*haj!ta) or in a state of suffering (duggati) Sn 248 (pecca tama' vajanti ye patanti<br />

satt! niraya' ava'sir!), 763 (nivut!na' t. hoti andhak!ro apassata'), 956 (sabba' tama' vinodetv!); Vbh<br />

367 (three tam!ni: in past, present & future). adj.: puggalo tamo tama -- par!ya*o D iii.233; A ii.85= Pug<br />

51; J ii.17. -- tam! tama' out of one "duggati" into another Sn 278 (vinip!ta' sam!panno gabbh! gabbha' t.<br />

t. . . . dukka' nigacchati), cp. M Vastu ii.225, also tam!to tama' ibid. i.27; ii.215. -- tamat. -- agge beyond<br />

the region of darkness (or rebirth in dark spheres), cp. bhavagge (& Sk. tama1 p!re) S v. 154, 163. --<br />

andhak!ra (complete) darkness (of night) v. l. for samandha˚ at J iii.60 (Kern: tamondhak!ra); -- nivuta<br />

enveloped in d. Sn 348; -- nuda (tama˚ & tamo˚), dispelling darkness, freq. as Ep. of the Buddha or other<br />

sages Sn 1133, 1136; It 32, 108; Nd2 281; Vv 352 (=VvA 161); Miln 1, 21, etc.; -- par!ya*a (adj.) having a<br />

state of darkness or "duggati" for his end or destiny S i.93; A ii.85=Pug 51.<br />

Tam!la<br />

Tam!la [Sk. tam!la] N. of a tree (Xanthochymus pic- torius) Pv iii.105 (+uppala).<br />


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