The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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S!j"va (nt.) rule of life, precept governing the monastic life of the Buddhist bhikkhus Vin iii.2416; adj. ˚ --<br />

sam!panna ibid.; adj. ˚ -- kara one who supports J iv.42 (=sa -- !j"vakara, C.).<br />

S!&a<br />

S!&a [cp. Sk. $!&a] a garment, cloth Th 2, 245; s!&i (f.) the same S i.115; Dh 394; J i.230 (udaka˚ bathing<br />

mantle), 481.<br />

S!&aka<br />

S!&aka [s!&a+ka] an outer garment, cloak; cloth ThA 246; J i.89, 138, 195, 373, 426; Vism 54 (s!*a˚), 275<br />

(alla˚); DhA i.393 (th(la˚). Cp. antara˚, ala'˚. -- lakkha*a prognostication drawn from pieces of cloth J<br />

i.371.<br />

S!&ik!<br />

S!&ik! (f.)=s!&aka Vin i.292 sq.; ii.31; 272, 279 (udaka˚ bathing mantle) J i.330; Vism 339 (in simile); Miln<br />

240 (cp. M iii.253). s!&iya the same Vin ii.177 (˚g!h!paka receiver of undergarments).<br />

S!&etar<br />

S!&etar [n. ag. fr. s!&eti] one who dispels, drives away M i.220; A v.347 sq., 351, 359.<br />

S!&eti<br />

S!&eti [$at to cut, destroy] to cut open, to destroy; fig. to torment: Kern's proposed reading (see Toev. s. v.<br />

s!veti) for s!veti at J iii.198 (amba -- pakk!ni); iv.402 (att!na' s!&etv! d!sakamma' kariss!ni); vi.486<br />

(k!ya' s.). He compares MVastu iii.385: $!&eti g!tr!ni. Cp. vis!&ita & vis!ta.<br />

S!&heyya<br />

S!&heyya (nt.) [abstr. fr. sa&ha=*$!&hya] craft, treachery M i.15, 36, 281, 340; A i.95, 100; Nd1 395; Pug 19,<br />

23; Miln 289. Cp pa&i˚.<br />

S!*a<br />

S!*a1 (nt.) [cp. Sk. $!*a hempen, fr. $a*a=P. sa*a; cp. bhanga1] hemp D ii.350; Miln 267; a coarse hempen<br />

cloth Vin i.58; D i.166; iii.41; M i.78; A i.240; S ii.202, 221; Pug 55; Vism 54 (˚s!&aka). -- s!*av!ka the<br />

same Th 2, 252; J iii.394 (var. read).<br />

S!*a<br />

S!*a2 [sa+i*a] having a debt, indebted, fig. subjected to the kilesas, imperfect M iii.127=S ii.221<br />

(=sakilesa, sa -- i*a K.S. ii.203); ThA 8; cp. ana*a under a*a.<br />

S!*adhovana<br />

S!*adhovana (nt.) a kind of play DA i.84=sa*adhovik!.<br />


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