The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sev!la [cp. Epic Sk. $aivala & saiv!la] the plant Blyxa octandra moss, A iii.187, 232, 235; J ii.150=DhA<br />

i.144; J iii.520; iv.71; v.462; Miln 35; DhA iii.199; Tikp 12 (in sim.). (m. and nt.) J v.37; -- m!laka (or --<br />

m!lika) who makes garlands of Blyxa octandra A v.263; S iv.312. -- Often combd with another waterplant,<br />

pa*aka (see under pa**aka), e. g. A iii.187; Vism 261 (simile); VbhA 244 (id.); KhA 61 (cp. Schubring,<br />

Kalpas(tra p. 46 sq.).<br />

Sevin<br />

Sevin (adj.) [fr. sev] serving, practising Sn 749; It 54. See vipakkha˚.<br />

Seveti<br />

Seveti to cause to fall, to throw down J iii.198 (doubtful; C -- expls as p!teti & gives saveti [=s!veti, Caus.<br />

of sru to make glide] as gloss; v. l. also s!deti).<br />

Sesa<br />

Sesa [fr. $i+] remaining, left D ii.48; Sn 217, 354; J ii.128; (nt.) remainder PvA 14, 70; ˚ -- ka the same<br />

Mhvs 10, 36; 22, 42; 25, 19.<br />

Seseti<br />

Seseti: see sissati.<br />

Sessan, sessati<br />

Sessan, sessati see seti.<br />

Sehi<br />

Sehi is instr. pl. of sa4 (his own): Dh 136; DhA iii.64.<br />

Soka<br />

Soka [fr. $uc, to gleam (which to the Dhtp however is known only in meaning "soka": Dhtp 39); cp. Vedic<br />

$oka the flame of fire, later in sense of "burning grief"] grief, sorrow, mourning; defd as "socan! socitatta'<br />

anto -- soko . . . cetaso parijjh!yan! domanassa'" at Ps i.38=Nd1 128=Nd2 694; shorter as "ñ!ti --<br />

vyasan' !d"hi phu&&hassa citta -- sant!po" at Vism 503=VbhA. Cp. the foll.: Vin i.6; D i.6; ii.305, 103; S<br />

i.110, 123, 137; A i.51, 144; ii.21; v.141; Sn 584, 586; J i.189; SnA 155; DhA ii.166; KhA 153 (abb()ha˚);<br />

Pv i.43 (=citta -- sant!pa PvA 18); PvA 6, 14, 38, 42, 61. -- asoka without grief: see viraja. See also dukkha<br />

B iii.1 b. -- aggi the fire of sorrow PvA 41. pl. -- divas! the days of mourning (at the king's court after the<br />

death of the queen) SnA 89. -- parideva sorrow and lamenting A iii.32, 326 sq.; v.216 sq.; Vism 503; Nd1<br />

128. -- pariddava id. Vv 8430. -- pareta overcome with grief Pv i.86. -- vinaya dispelling of grief PvA 39. --<br />

vinodana id. PvA 61. -- salla the dart or sting of sorrow A iii.54, 58; Nd1 59, 414; Pv i.86; PvA 93, 162.<br />

Sokajjh!yik!<br />

Sokajjh!yik! (f.) [soka+ajjh!yaka; this soka perhaps *s(ka, as in vis(ka?] a woman who plays the fool, a<br />

comedian Vin iv.285; J vi.580 (where C. expls as "grief-dispellers").<br />


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