The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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danta as Np. should prob. belong here, thus meaning "ox -- tooth" (derisively) (D i.127; Vism 208), with<br />

which may be compared danta -- k(&a (see under danta).<br />

K(&eyya<br />

K(&eyya (nt.) [der. fr. *k(&ya of k(&a1, cp. in formation s!&heyya] fraud, deceit, in combn with s!&heyya &<br />

vankeyya M i.340; A v.167.<br />

K(pa<br />

K(pa (m.) [Vedic k(pa, orig. curvature viz. (a) interior= cavity, cp. Lat. cupa, Gr. ku/pellon cup; also Gr.<br />

ku/mbh, Sk. kumbha; -- (b) exterior=heap, cp. Ags. h/ap, Ohg. heap, Sk. k(pa mast]. 1. a pit, a cavity:<br />

akkhi˚ the socket of the eye M i.80, 245; DhsA 306; g(tha˚ a cesspool D ii.324; Sn 279; Pv ii.316; Pug 36;<br />

mi)ha˚ a pit for evacuations Pgdp 23, 24; loma˚ the root of the hair, a pore of the skin DA i.57; Vism 262,<br />

360; also in na loma -- k(pamatta' pi not even a hairroot J i.31; iii.55; vacca˚=g(tha˚ Vin ii.141, 222. As a<br />

tank or a well: J vi.213; VvA 305. -- 2. the mast of a boat J iii.126; Miln 363, 378. See next. -- kha*a one<br />

who digs a pit J vi.213. -- tala the floor of a pit Vism 362.<br />

K(paka<br />

K(paka=k(pa 1. Vism 361 (akkhi˚), 362 (nad"t"ra˚), 449 (id.); =k(pa. 2. J ii.112; iv.17.<br />

K(la<br />

K(la (nt.) [Dhtp 271: k(la !vara*e] a slope, a bank, an embankment. Usually of rivers: S i.143=J iii.361; A<br />

i.162; Sn 977; J i.227; Miln 36: udap!na˚ the facing of a well Vin ii.122; vaccak(passa k˚ the sides of a<br />

cesspool Vin ii.141. See also pa'su˚, & cp. uk˚, upa˚, pa&i˚.<br />

K(ra<br />

K(ra (nt.) in sukkha˚ boiled rice (?) Vin iv.86; DhA ii.171.<br />

Keka<br />

Keka [?] N. of a tree J v.405. Kern, Toev. s. v. suggests misreading for koka Phoenix sylvestris.<br />

Ke&ubha<br />

Ke&ubha [deriv. unknown] expld by Buddhaghosa DA i. 247 as "the science which assists the officiating<br />

priests by laying down rules for the rites, or by leaving them to their discretion" (so Trenckner, J.P.T.S.<br />

1908, 116). In short, the ritual; the kalpa as it is called as one of the vedangas. Only in a stock list of the<br />

subject a learned Brahmin is supposed to have mastered D i.88; A i.163, 166; Sn 1020; Miln 10, 178. So in<br />

BSk; Av- ii.19; Divy 619.<br />

Ke&ubhin<br />

Ke&ubhin [deriv. unknown] MA 152 (on M i 32) has "trained deceivers (sikkhit! ker!tik!); very deceitful,<br />

false all through"; iii.6=A iii.199.<br />

Ketaka<br />

Ketaka [etym. uncertain] N. of a flower J iv.482.

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