The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bhakkha<br />

Bhakkha ( -- ˚) (adj.) [fr. bhak+] 1. eating, feeding on D iii.41 (s!ka˚ etc.); S i.69 (pah(ta˚ voracious, of<br />

fire), 238 (kodha˚); Pv i.91 (lohita -- pubba˚); Pug 55 (ti*a˚); Sdhp 388 (ti*a˚). -- 2. eatable, to be eaten; nt.<br />

˚' food, prey, in cpd. appa -- bhakkha offering no food Vv 843 (appodaka+). -- pl. also bhakkh! (eatables) J<br />

ii.14; iv.241 (similar context; =bhojana C.); Pv ii.941 (= !h!r! PvA 129). It is to be pointed out that<br />

bhakkh! occurs in poetry, in stock phrase "dibb! bhakkh! p!tubhavanti"; cp. Vedic bhak+a (m) feeding,<br />

partaking of food, esp. drink (of Soma), thus something extraordinary.<br />

Bhakkhati<br />

Bhakkhati [bhak+ fr. bhaj, cp. Sk. bhak+ati & bhak+ayati; Dhtp 17 & 537 explns by "adana"] to eat, to feed<br />

upon Pv ii.25 (pubba -- lohita'); DhA ii.57 (v!ta'). inf. bhakkhitu' J ii.14. -- Caus. bhakkheti in same<br />

meaning J iv.349 (aor. bhakkhesu'); cp. BSk. bhak+ayati Divy 276.<br />

Bhaga<br />

Bhaga [Vedic bhaga, bhaj, see bhagavant etc.] luck, lot, fortune, only in cpd. dub˚ (adj.) unhappy,<br />

unpleasant, uncomfortable It 90; DA i.96 (˚kara*a). -- bhaga (in verse "bhagehi ca vibhattav!" in exegesis<br />

of word "Bhagava") at DA i.34 read bhava, as read at id. p. Vism 210.<br />

Bhagandala<br />

Bhagandala (& !) [cp. late Sk. bhagandara] an ulcer, fistula Vin i.216, 272; Nd1 370. Has expln at Dhtm<br />

204 "bhaganda secane hoti" ("comes from sprinkling") anything to do with our word?<br />

Bhagalavant<br />

Bhagalavant [of uncertain origin] N. of a mountain SnA 197 (loc. Bhagalavati pabbate). Occurs also as an<br />

assembly -- hall under the N. of Bhagalavat" at D iii.201. Cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie 196.<br />

Bhagavant<br />

Bhagavant (adj. n.) [cp. Vedic bhagavant, fr. bhaga] fortunate, illustrious, sublime, as Ep. and title "Lord."<br />

Thus applied to the Buddha (amh!ka' Bh.) and his predecessors. Occurs with extreme frequency; of<br />

fanciful exegetic explns of the term & its meaning we mention e. g. those at Nd1 142=Nd2 466; Vism 210<br />

sq.; DA i.33 sq. Usual trs. Blessed One, Exalted One.<br />

Bhagin"<br />

Bhagin" (f.) [Epic Sk. bhagin"] a sister J vi.32. <strong>The</strong> popular etym. of bh. as given at VbhA 108 is the same<br />

as that for bh!tar, viz. "bhagat" ti bh." -- Cpd. bhagini -- m!la a "sister garland" (?) N. of a tree J vi.270<br />

(=upari -- bhaddaka).<br />

-- 496 --<br />

Bhagga<br />

Bhagga1 [pp. of bhañj, Sk. bhagna] broken, in phrases "sabb! te ph!suk! bhagg!" J i.493, which is applied<br />

metaphorically at Dh 154 (ph!suk!=p!pak!?), expld DhA iii.128 (artificially) by "avasesa -- kilesa --<br />

ph!suk! bhagg!"; further "bhagg! p!pak! dhamm!" Vism 211; bhagg! kiles! Miln 44; and bhagga -- r!ga,<br />

˚dosa etc. (in def. of Bhagav!) at Nd1 142=Nd2 466 B, quoted at Vism 211.

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