The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bhojjha<br />

Bhojjha a good horse, a Sindh horse J i.180.<br />

Bhoti<br />

Bhoti f. of bhavant (q. v.) DhA iii.194.<br />

Bhottabba & Bhottu'<br />

Bhottabba & Bhottu' are grd. & inf. of bhuñjati (q. v.); bhottabba to be eaten J v.252, 253; bhottu' to eat J<br />

ii.14.<br />

Bhobhukka<br />

Bhobhukka [intens -- redupl. of bhukk=bukk, to bark: see bhukka & cp. Sk. bukkati, bukkana] one making<br />

a barking sound, barker, i. e. dog J vi.345 (= bhunkara*a C.).<br />

M. M<br />

-- M -- euphonic consonant inserted between two vowels to avoid hiatus, as agga -- m -- agga the best of all<br />

Vin iv.232; anga -- m -- ang!ni limb by limb Vin iii.119; Vv 382, etc. See also S iii.254 (yena -- m -- idh'<br />

ekacco); Dh 34 (oka -- mokata ubbhato); Sn 765 (aññatra -- m -- ariyehi); Nd1 269 (dvaye -- m -- eva); J<br />

i.29 (as"ti -- hattha -- m -- ubbedha, for hatth' ubbedha); iii.387 (katattho -- m -- anubujjhati); v.72 (orena --<br />

m -- !gama); vi.266 (pacch! -- m -- anutappati); SnA 309 (r!g' !di -- m -- anekappak!ra'). -- On wrong<br />

syllable division through Sandhi -- m -- , and thus origin of specific <strong>Pali</strong> forms see m!sati.<br />

Ma<br />

Ma ( -- k!ra) the letter or sound m J iii.273 (sandhi -- vasena vutta put in for the sake of euphony); v.375<br />

(ma -- k!ro sandhikaro); KhA 155, 224; SnA 181, 383, 404.<br />

Ma'sa<br />

Ma'sa (nt.) [cp. Vedic m!'sa, fr. Idg. *memsro -- , as in Gr. mhro/s thigh, Lat. membrum limb<br />

("member"); Goth. mims flesh; Oir m"r bite, bit (of flesh)] flesh, meat S ii.97 (putta˚); Dh 152; J iii.184;<br />

Pug 55; Vism 258, 357 (in compar.); DhA i.375 (putta˚); ii.51 (alla˚ living flesh); VbhA 58, 61 (pilotika --<br />

palive&hita). Described and defined in detail as one of the 32 !k!ras or constituents of the human body at<br />

Vism 252, 354; KhA 46; VbhA 235. -- ûpasecana sauce for meat J iii.144=vi.24; DhA i.344. -- kaly!*a<br />

beauty of flesh, one of the 5 beauties of a girl (see kaly!*a) J i.394; DhA i.387. -- kh!daka flesh -- eater J<br />

vi.530. -- cakkhu the bodily eye, one of the 5 kinds of the sense of sight (see cakkhu III) D iii.219; Nd1<br />

100, 354. -- dhovan" odaka water for washing meat KhA 54. -- pi*.ika a meat -- ball, lump of flesh Vism<br />

256. -- puñja a heap of flesh Vism 361 (in comp.); VbhA 67. -- pesi a piece of flesh or meat (see on simile<br />

J.P.T.S. 1907, 122) Vin ii.25; iii.105 (˚' veh!sa' gacchanti' addasa'); M i.143; A iii.97; Miln 280; Vism<br />

195, 252, 468; DhA i.164; VbhA 235; -- lohita flesh & blood Dh 150.<br />

Ma'si<br />

Ma'si (f.) [cp. Sk. m!'s"] a certain plant Nardostychus jatamansi J vi.535.<br />


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