The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Udabbahe 3rd sg. Pot. of ubbahati [ud + b%h1, see also abbahati] to draw out, tear out, remove Th 1, 158;<br />

Sn 583 (= ubbaheyya dh!reyya (?) SnA 460); J ii.223 (= udabbaheyya C.); vi.587 (= hareyya C.); aor.<br />

udabbahi Vin iv.5.<br />

Udaya<br />

Udaya [fr. ud + i, cp. udeti] rise, growth; increment, in- crease; income, revenue, interest A ii.199; Ps i.34;<br />

Vv 847 (dhan!atthika uddaya' patthay!na = !nisa'sa' atirekal!bha' VvA 336); 8452; DhA ii.270; PvA<br />

146 (ul!r˚ vip!ka), 273 (˚bh(t!ni pañca kah!pa*a -- sat!ni labhitv!, with interest); Sdhp 40, 230, 258. --<br />

See also uddaya. -- attha rise and fall, birth & death (to attha2) M i.356; S v.197 sq., 395; A iii.152 sq.;<br />

iv.111, 289, 352; v.15, 25. -- atthika desirous of increase, interest or wealth (cp. above Vv 847<br />

dhan!atthika) A ii.199. -- bbaya (ud -- aya + vy -- aya) increase & decrease, rise & fall, birth & death, up &<br />

down D iii.223; S i.46 = 52 (lokassa); iii.130; A ii.90; iii. 32; iv.153; It 120; Vism 287; Ps i.54; ThA 90. --<br />

vyaya = ˚bbaya S iv.140; A ii.15 (khandh!na'); Dh 113, 374 (khandh!na', see DhA iv.110).<br />

Udaya' & Udayanto<br />

Udaya' & Udayanto ppr. of udeti (q. v.).<br />

Udayana<br />

Udayana (nt.) [fr. ud + i] going up, rise DA i.95.<br />

-- 134 --<br />

Udara<br />

Udara (nt.) [Vedic udara, Av udara belly, Gr. u(/steros = Lat. uterus belly, womb; Lith. védaras stomach,<br />

See also Walde, Lat. Wtb. under vensica] -- 1 the belly, stomach D ii.266; Sn 78, 604, 609, 716; J i.146,<br />

164, 265; Miln 213; PvA 283; KhA 57, 58; DhA i.47 (pregnant); Sdhp 102. -- 2. cavity, interior, inside<br />

D!vs i.56 (mandir -- odare). -- (nûdara with empty belly Th 1, 982; Miln 406, 407; cp. (na. -- aggi the fire<br />

of the belly or stomach (i. e. of digestion) KhA 59; SnA 462; PvA 33; -- âvadehaka' (adv.) bhunjati to eat<br />

to fill the stomach, eat to satiety, to be gluttonous M i.102; A v.18; Th 1, 935; Vism 33. -- pa&ala the<br />

mucous membrane of the stomach Vism 359 (= sar"r˚abbhantara 261); SnA 248; KhA 55, 61. -- p(ra<br />

stomachfilling Vism 108. -- va&&i "belly -- sack", belly Vin iii.39, 117; Vism 262 where KhA reads ud.<br />

pa&ala). -- v!ta the wind of the belly, stomach -- ache 9J i.33, 433; Vism 41 (˚!b!dha); DhA iv.129.<br />

Udariya<br />

Udariya (nt.) [fr. udara] the stomach Kh iii. (cp. KhA 57); Vism 258, 358. Cp sodariya.<br />

Udassaye<br />

Udassaye 2nd sg. pot. of ud + assayati [! + $ri, cp. assaya] J v.26 (meaning to instal, raise?), expld. by C. as<br />

ussay!pesi (?) Reading may be faulty for ud!sase (?).<br />

Udah!raka<br />

Udah!raka [uda + h!raka] a water -- carrier J ii.80.<br />


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