The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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4mutta [Sk. !mukta, pp. of ! + muc, cp. also BSk. !mukta jewel Divy 2, 3 etc., a meaning which might<br />

also be seen in the later P!li passages, e. g. at PvA 134. Semantically cp. !bhara*a] having put on, clothed<br />

in, dressed with, adorned with (always ˚ -- ) D i.104 (˚m!l!bhara*a); Vin ii.156 = Vv 208 (˚ma*i --<br />

ku*.ala); S i.211; J iv.460; v. 155; vi.492; Vv 721 (= pa&imukka); 802 (˚hatth!bhara*a); Pv ii.951<br />

(˚ma*iku*.ala);J iv.183; VvA 182.<br />

4me*.ita<br />

4me*.ita (or 4me.ita) [Sk. !mre.ita fram ! + mre., dialectical] -- (nt.) sympathy in ˚' karoti to show<br />

sympathy (? so Morris J.P.T.S. 1887, 106) DA i.228 = SnA 155 (v. l. at DA !me.ita).<br />

4mo<br />

4mo = !ma D i.192, 3.<br />

4moda<br />

4moda [Sk. !moda, fr. ! + mud] that which pleases; fragrance, perfume D!vs v.51.<br />

4modan!<br />

4modan! (f.) [fr. ! + mud] rejoicing Dhs 86, 285.<br />

4modam!na<br />

4modam!na (adj.) [ppr. med. of !modeti] rejoicing, glad S i.100 (v. l. anu˚) = It 66; Vv 648 (=<br />

pamodam!na VvA 278); J v.45.<br />

4modita<br />

4modita [pp. fr. !modeti] pleased, satisfied, glad J i.17 (v.80); v.45 (˚pamodita highly pleased); Miln 346.<br />

4modeti<br />

4modeti [Sk. !modayati, Caus. of ! + mud] to please, gladden, satisfy Th 1, 649 (citta'); J v.34. -- pp.<br />

!modita (q. v.).<br />

4ya<br />

4ya [Sk. !ya; ! + i] 1. coming in, entrance M iii.93. - 2. tax J v.113. -- 3. income, earning, profit, gain (opp.<br />

vaya loss) A iv.282 = 323; Sn 978; J i.228; KhA 38 (in expln. of k!ya), 82 (in etym. of !yatana); PvA 130.<br />

4. (!y! f.?) a lucky dice ("the incomer") J vi.281. -- kammika a treasurer DhA i.184. -- kusala clever in<br />

earnings Nett 20. -- kosalla proficiency in money making D iii.220 (one of the three kosallas); Vbh 325. --<br />

paricc!ga expediture of one's income PvA 8. -- mukha (lit.) entrance, inflow, going in D i.74 (= !gamana --<br />

magga DA<br />

-- 105 --<br />

1.78); M ii.15; A ii.166; (fig.) revenue income, money SnA 173.<br />


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