The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Apanuditar [n. ag. fr. apanudati, Sk. apanodit%] remover, dispeller D iii.148.<br />

Apaneti<br />

Apaneti [apa + n"] to lead away, take or put away, remove J i.62, 138; ii.4, 155 (aor. ap!nayi) iii.26; Miln<br />

188, 259, 413; PvA 41, 74, 198 (= harati) Sdhp 63. Pass. apan"yati S i.176. -- pp. apan"ta (q. v.).<br />

Apapibati<br />

Apapibati [apa + pibati] to drink from something J ii.126 (aor. ap!p!si).<br />

Apabb(hati & Apaby(hati<br />

Apabb(hati & Apaby(hati [apa + vi + (h] to push off, remove, scrape away A iii.187 (apaviy(hitv!, vv. ll.<br />

˚bb(hitv!); J i.265 (pa'su'). -- Caus. ˚by(h!peti to make remove or brush J iv.349 (pa'su').<br />

Apaby!ma<br />

Apaby!ma see apavy!ma.<br />

Apam!ra<br />

Apam!ra [Sk. apasm!ra] epilepsy Vin i.93. Cp. apasm!ra.<br />

Apam!rika<br />

Apam!rika (adj.) [cp. Sk. apasm!rin] epileptic Vin iv.8, 10, 11.<br />

Apay!ti<br />

Apay!ti [Sk. apay!ti, apa + y!] to go away J vi.183 (ap!y!ti metri causa; expld. by C. as apagacchati<br />

pal!yati). -- Caus. apay!peti [Sk. apay!payati] to make go, drive away, dismiss M iii.176; S ii.119.<br />

Apay!na<br />

Apay!na (nt.) [Sk. apay!na, fr. apay!ti] going away, retreat D i.9 (opp. upa˚); DA i.95.<br />

Apara<br />

Apara (adj.) [Vedic apara, der. fr. apa with compar. suffix -- ra = Idg. *aporos "further away, second"; cp.<br />

Gr. a)pwte/rw farther, Lat. aprilis the second month (after March, i. e. April). Goth. afar = after] another, i.<br />

e. additional, following, next, second (with pron. inflexion, i. e. nom. pl. apare) D iii.190 (˚paj! another, i.<br />

e. future generation); Sn 791, 1089 (n!); J i.59 (apara' divasa' on some day following); iii.51 (apare tayo<br />

sah!y! "other friends three", i. e. three friends, cp. similarly Fr. nous autres Franc˚ais); iv.3 (d"pa); PvA 81<br />

(˚divase on another day), 226; with other part. like aparo pi D iii 128. -- nt. apara' what follows i. e. future<br />

state, consequence; future Vin i.35 (nâpara' nothing more); Sn 1092 (much the same as punabbhava, cp.<br />

Nd2 61). Cases adverbially; apara' (acc.) further, besides, also J i.256; iii.278; often with other part. like<br />

athâpara' & further, moreover Sn 974; and puna c! apara' It 100; Miln 418 (so read for puna ca para') and<br />

passim; aparam pi Vism 9. -- aparena in future D iii.201. -- Repeated (reduplicative formation) aparâpara'<br />

(local) to & fro J i.265, 278; PvA 198; (temporal) again and again, off & on J ii.377; Miln 132 VvA 271;<br />

PvA 176 (= punappuna'). -- anta (aparanta) = apara', with anta in same function as in cpds. vananta (see

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