The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Gop!nas" (f.) a beam supporting the framework of a roof, shaped *l; fig. of old people, bent by age (see<br />

˚vanka). Vin iii.65, 81; S ii.263; iii.156; v.43, 228; M i.80; A i.261; iii.364; v.21; Vism 320; DhA ii.190;<br />

VvA 188. -- ga*! (pl.) a collection of beams, the rafters Vv 784; -- bhogga ( -- sama) bent like a rafter<br />

(n!r") J iii.395; -- vanka (gop!nasi˚) as crooked as a rafter (of old people, cp. BSk. gop!nas" -- vakra Av-<br />

ii.25n5) S i.117; M i.88; A i.138.<br />

Gopita<br />

Gopita (adj.) [pp. of gopeti] protected, guarded, watched (lit. & fig.) J vi.367; Miln 345; SnA 116<br />

(˚indriya= guttindriya); Sdhp 398.<br />

Gopeti<br />

Gopeti [Sk. gopayati, gup; cp. gutta, gott!] to watch, guard, pot. gopetha Dh 315; -- pp. gopita (q. v.).<br />

-- 256 --<br />

Gopphaka<br />

Gopphaka [Dem. of goppha=Sk. gulpha] the ankle Vin iv.112; A iv.102; J v.472; DhA ii.80, 214; SnA<br />

ii.230.<br />

Gomika<br />

Gomika [Sk. gomin] an owner of cows S i.6=Sn 33, 34.<br />

Golik!<br />

Golik! see godh!1.<br />

Golomika<br />

Golomika (adj.) [inverted diaeretic form fr. Sk. gulma=P. gumba: viz. *golmika> *golmika>golomika] like<br />

a cluster; in phrase massu' golomika' k!r!peti "to have the beard trimmed into a ball -- or cluster -- shape"<br />

Vin ii.134. Bdhgh's expln "like a goat's beard" (cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.138) is based on pop. etym. go+loma+ ika<br />

"cow -- hair -- like," the discrepancy being that go does not mean goat.<br />

Go)aka<br />

Go)aka a ball ThA 255 (k")!˚).<br />

Gh. ˚Gha<br />

˚Gha (adj. -- suffix to ghan) killing, destroying, see hanati. -- i*agha at Sn 246 is v. l. SS for i*agh!ta. Cp.<br />

pa&i˚ & see also ghana2 & gh!ta.<br />

Gha'sati<br />

Gha'sati1 [Sk. ghar+ati, *gh%+ to *gher to rub or grind, cp. Gr. xe/rados, xerma/s, xri/w, enlarged in Lat.<br />

frendo= Ags. grindan to grind] to rub, crush, grind, S ii.238; J i.190 (=ghasitu'? to next?) 216; vi.331. --<br />

Caus. gha's!peti to rub against, to allow to be rubbed or crushed Vin ii.266. Cp. upani˚, pari˚, &<br />

paha'sati1. Pass. gha's"yati (gha'siyati) to rub (intr.), to be rubbed Vin i.204; ii.112.

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