The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Kh"yati<br />

Kh"yati [Sk. k+"yate, pass. to khayati] to be exhausted, to waste away, to become dejected, to fall away<br />

from Vin iv.152; J i.290 (dhBna); Pv ii.942; 112; Ps i.94, 96; ii.31 (!sav!); Bdhd 80. -- ppr. kh"yam!na Sn<br />

434; Bdhd 19. aor. kh"yi D iii.93; grd. kh"yitabba ibid. see also kh!ya and kh"yanaka. In phrase "ujjh!yati<br />

kh"yati vip!ceti it seems to correspond to jh!yati2 [Sk. k+!yati] and the meaning is "to become chafed or<br />

heated, to become vexed, angry; to take offence"; as evidenced by the combn with quâsi -- synonyms<br />

ujjh!yati & vip!ceti, both referring to a heated state, fig. for anger (cp. kilissati). Thus at Vin ii.259 &<br />

passim. See ujjh!yati for further refs.<br />

Kh"yanaka<br />

Kh"yanaka (a) [der. fr. kh"ya] in combn with p!cittiya a "falling away" offence (legal term denoting the<br />

falling away from a consent once given) (see kh"ya) Vin ii.94, 100; iv.38.<br />

Kh"ra<br />

Kh"ra (nt.) [Sk. k+"ra] milk, milky fluid, milky juice Vin i.243; ii.301; M i.343 sq.=A ii.207=Pug 56; A ii.95<br />

(in simile with dadhi, navan"ta, sappi, sappi -- ma*.a)= D i.201; DhA i.98; enumd with dadhi, etc., as one<br />

constituent of material food (kabalink!ro äh!ro) at Dhs 646=740=875; -- J iv.138 (m!tu kh˚); 140; Dh<br />

71=Nett 161; Miln 41; PvA 198 (=sneha, milky juice); VvA 75; DhA i.98 (nirudaka kh˚, milk without<br />

water). -- duddha -- kh"ra one who has milked Sn 18. -- ôdaka (nt.) milk -- water or milk & water lit. J<br />

ii.104, 106; fig. in simile kh"rodak"bh(t! for a samagg! paris! "a congregation at harmony as milk and<br />

water blend" A i.70; S iv.225=M i.207, 398=A iii.67, 104; -- odana (nt.) milk -- rice (boiled) Vv3324<br />

(=VvA 147). -- gandha the smell of milk J vi.357. -- gha&a a pot of milk Miln 48; -- paka drinking milk;<br />

sucking (of a calf: vaccho m!tari kh˚) Dh 284 (v. l. kh"ra -- p!na); DhA iii.424; -- pa**in (m.) N. of a tree<br />

the leaves of which contain a milky sap, Calotropis gigantea M i.429; -- matta having had his fill of milk,<br />

happy (of a babe) S i.108; -- m(la the price of milk; money with which to buy milk DhA iv.217; -- s!min<br />

master of the milk (+dh"ras!min) Bdhd 62.<br />

Kh"ranik!<br />

Kh"ranik! (f.) a milk -- giving cow S i.174.<br />

Kh"la<br />

Kh"la [Sk. k"la & kh"la] a stake, post, bolt, peg Vin ii.116 (kh"la' nikhanitv! digging in or erecting a post);<br />

S iii.150 (kh˚ v! thambha v!); iv.200 (da)ha˚ a strong post, Ep. of sat"); Mhvs 29, 49. -- ayo˚ an iron stake<br />

A i.141; S v.444; Nd2 304iii; Sn 28 (nikh!ta, erected); SnA 479. Cp. inda˚. -- &&h!yi -- &hita standing like a<br />

post (of a stubborn horse) A iv.192, 194.<br />

Kh"laka<br />

Kh"laka (adj.) having sticks or stumps (as obstacles), in a˚ unobstructed J v.203 (=ak!ca nikka*&aka 206).<br />

Kh")ana<br />

Kh")ana [der. fr. kh")eti] scorn Miln 357.<br />


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