The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Nibbisesa<br />

Nibbisesa (adj.) [nis+visesa] showing no difference, without distinction, equal, similar J ii.32; vi.355; Miln<br />

249.<br />

Nibbujjhati<br />

Nibbujjhati [ni+yujjhati, yudh. P!li form difficult to explain: niy˚=niyy˚= nivv˚=nibb˚] to wrestle, to fight<br />

with fists Vin iii.180. -- pp. nibbuddha.<br />

Nibbuta<br />

Nibbuta (adj.) [Nibbuta represents Sk. nirv%ta (e. g. Av- i.48) as well as niv%ta, both pp. of v%, which in<br />

itself combines two meanings, as exhibited in cognate languages and in Sk. itself: (a) Idg. 9er to cover,<br />

cover up (Lat. aperio=*apa -- veri!o to cover up, Sk. varutram upper garment, "cover") and (b) *9el to<br />

resolve, roll, move (Lat. volvo=revolve; Gr. e(/lic, e)lu/w; Sk. v!*a reed=Lat. ulva; Sk. (rmi wave; P. valli<br />

creeper, valita wrinkled). *9er is represented in P. by e. g. vivarati to open, niv!reti to cover, obstruct,<br />

n"vara*a, niv!ra*a obstruction; *9el by !vuta, khandh -- !v!ra, pariv!ra, vy!va&a (busy with=moving<br />

about), sampariv!reti. Thus we gain the two meanings combd and used promiscuously in the one word<br />

because of their semantic affinity: (a) *niv%ta covered up, extinguished, quenched, and (b) *nirv%ta without<br />

movement, with motion finished (cp. ni&&hita), ceasing, exhaustion, both represented by P. nibbuta. -- In<br />

derivations we have besides the rootform v% (=P. bbu˚) that with gu*a vH (cp. Sk. v!rayati, vr!yati) or<br />

vr!=P.* bb!˚ (with which also cp. pa&iv!*a=*prativ!ra*a). <strong>The</strong> former is in nibbuti (ceasing, extinction,<br />

with meaning partly influenced by nibbu&&hi=Sk. nirv%+&i pouring of water), the latter in instr. nibb!ti and<br />

nibb!yati (to cease or to go out) and trs. nibb!peti (Caus.: to make cease, to stop or cool) and further in<br />

nibb!na (nt. instr. abstr.) (the dying out)] (lit.) extinguished (of fire), cooled, quenched (fig.) desireless<br />

(often with nicch!ta & s"tibh(ta), appeased, pleased, happy. -- (a) (lit.) aggi an!h!ro n. M i.487; Sn 19 (gin"<br />

n.=magga -- salila -- sekena n. SnA 28); J iv.391 (anibbute p!y!se); Miln 304 (aggikkhandha), 346<br />

(mah!meghena n˚' pathavi'); ThA 154 (anup!d!n! d"p' acc"); KhA 194 (pad"po n.). -- (b) (fig.) combd<br />

with s"tibh(ta (& nicch!ta): Vin i.8; M i.341; A ii.208 =D iii.233=Pug 56, 61; A iv.410; v.65; Sn 593, 707;<br />

Pv i.87. -- In phrase anup!d!ya nibbuta: S ii.279; A i.162; iv.290=Dh 414=Sn 638. -- In other connections:<br />

attada*.esu n. s!d!nesu an!d!no S i.236= Dh 406=Sn 630; aññ!ya nibbut! dh"r! S i.24; tadangan. S iii.43;<br />

ejânugo anejassa nibbutassa anibbuto It 91; v"tata*ho n. Sn 1041; ti**a -- sokapariddavo n. Dh 196; r!g'<br />

aggimhi n. & n. m!t!, pit!, n!r" J i.60; n. veyy!kara*ena Miln 347; up!d!n!na' abh!vena . . .<br />

kilesanibb!nena n. DhA iv.194. -- See also abhinibbuta and parinibbuta.<br />

Nibbuti<br />

Nibbuti (f.) [Sk. nirv%ti, abstr. to nibbuta] allayment, refreshment, cooling, peace, happiness J i.3 (khema'<br />

pariyess!mi n˚'); Sn 228 (nikk!mino n˚' bhuñjam!n!), 917, 933 (sant" ti n˚' ñatv!); Nd1 399; Pv i.74 (n˚'<br />

n' âdhigacch!mi=quenching of hunger & thirst); KhA 185 (=pa&ippassaddha -- kilesa -- daratha).<br />

Nibbuddha<br />

Nibbuddha [Sk. niyuddha, pp. of nibbujjhati] wrestling, fist -- fight D i.6 (= mallayuddha' DA i.85); DhsA<br />

403.<br />

Nibbuyhati<br />

Nibbuyhati [Sk. niruhyate, nis+vuyhati, Pass. of vahati, cp. nibb!hati] to be led out to (c. acc.): sus!na' Th<br />

2, 468 (=upan"yati ThA 284); to be led out of= to be saved S i.1, cp. RV i.117, 14; vi.62, 6.<br />


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