The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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4bhoga [fr. !bhuñjati, bhuj2 to enjoy etc. <strong>The</strong> translators of Kvu derive it from bhuj1 to bend etc. (Kvu trsl.<br />

221 n. 4) which however is hardly correct, cp. the similar meaning of gocara "pasturing", fig. perception<br />

etc.] ideation, idea, thought D i.37 (= manasik!ro samann!h!ro DA i.122; cp. semantically !h!ra = !bhoga,<br />

food); Vbh 320; Miln 97; Vism 164, 325, 354; D!vs 62; KhA 42 (˚paccavekkhana), 43 (id.) 68.<br />

4ma<br />

4ma1 (indecl.) [a specific P!li formation representing either amma (q. v.) or a gradation of pron. base amu˚<br />

"that" (see asu), thus deictic -- emphatic exclamn. Cp. also BSk. !ma e. g. Av. - i.36] affirmative part. "yes,<br />

indeed, certainly" D i.192 sq. (as v. l. BB.; T. has !mo); J i.115, 226 (in C. expln. of T. am! -- j!ta which is<br />

to be read for !maj!ta); ii.92; v.448; Miln 11, 19, 253; DhA i.10, 34; ii.39, 44; VvA 69; PvA 12, 22, 56, 61,<br />

75, 93 etc.<br />

4ma<br />

4ma2 (adj.) [Vedic !ma = Gr. w)mo/s, connected with Lat. am!rus. <strong>The</strong> more common P. form is !maka<br />

(q. v.)] raw, viz. (a) unbaked (of an earthen vessel), unfinished Sn 443; (b) uncooked (of flesh), nt. raw<br />

flesh, only in foll. cpds.: ˚gandha "smell of raw flesh", verminous odour, a smell attributed in particular to<br />

rotting corpses (cp. similarly BSk. !magandha M Vastu iii.214) D ii.242 sq.; A i.280; Sn 241, 242 (=<br />

vissagandha ku*apagandha SnA 286), 248, 251; Dhs 625; and ˚giddha greedy after flesh (used as bait) J<br />

vi.416 (= !masankh!ta !misa C.).<br />

4maka<br />

4maka (adj.) [= !ma2] raw, uncooked D i.5 = Pug 58 (˚ma'sa raw flesh); M i.80 (titta -- kal!bu !maka --<br />

cchinno). -- dhañña "raw" grain, corn in its natural, unprepared state D i.5 = Pug 58 (see DA i.78 for<br />

definition); Vin iv.264; v.135. -- s!ka raw vegetables Vism 70. -- sus!na "cemetery of raw flesh"<br />

charnelgrove (cp. !magandha under ama2), i. e. fetid smelling cremation ground J i.264, 489; iv.45 sq.;<br />

vi.10; DhA i.176; VvA 76; PvA 196.<br />

4ma&&ha<br />

4ma&&ha [Sk. !m%+&a, pp. of !masati; cp. !masita] touched, handled J i.98 (an˚); DA i.107 (= par!ma&&ha);<br />

Sdhp 333.<br />

-- 104 --<br />

4ma*.aliya<br />

4ma*.aliya [! + ma*.ala + iya] a formation resembling a circle, in phrase ˚' karoti to form a ring (of<br />

people) or a circle, to stand closely together M i 225 (cp. Sk. !ma*.alikaroti).<br />

4mata<br />

4mata in an!mata at J ii.56 is métric for amata.<br />

4mattik!<br />

4mattik! (f.) [! + mattik!] earthenware, crockery; in ˚!pa*a a crockery shop, chandler's shop Vin iv.243.<br />


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