The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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S"lin (adj.) [fr. s"la] having a disposition or character; ariyas"lin having the virtue of an 4rya D i.115; DA<br />

i.286; nidd!s"lin drowsy, Sn 96; vuddhas"lin increased in virtue D i.114; sabh!s"lin fond of society Sn 96.<br />

S"liya<br />

S"liya (nt.) [abstr. fr. s"la, Sk. $"lya for $ailya] conduct, behaviour, character; said of bad behaviour, e. g. J<br />

iii.74=iv.71; emphasized as duss"lya, e. g. S v.384; A i.105; v.145 sq.; opp. s!dhu -- s"liya J ii.137<br />

(=sundara -- s"la -- bh!va C.).<br />

S"vathik!<br />

S"vathik! (f.) [etym. doubtful; perhaps=*Sk. $iv!laya; Kern derives it as $"van "lying"+atthi "bone,"<br />

problematic] a cemetery, place where dead bodies are thrown to rot away Vin iii.36; D ii.295 sq.; A iii.268,<br />

323; J i.146; Pv iii.52 (=sus!na PvA 198); Vism 181, 240; PvA 195.<br />

S"vana & s"veti<br />

S"vana & s"veti: see vi˚.<br />

S"sa<br />

S"sa1 (nt.) [cp. Sk. s"sa] lead D ii.351; S v.92; Miln 331; VbhA 63 (=k!)a -- tipu); a leaden coin J i.7; ˚ --<br />

k!ra a worker in lead Miln 331; ˚ -- maya leaden Vin i.190.<br />

S"sa<br />

S"sa2 (nt.) [Vedic $"r+a: see under sira] 1. the head (of the body) Vin i.8; A i.207; Sn 199, 208, p. 80; J i.74;<br />

ii.103; s"sa' nah!ta, one who has performed an ablution of the head D ii.172; PvA 82; !ditta -- s"sa, one<br />

whose turban has caught fire S i.108; iii.143; v.440; A ii.93; s"sato towards the head Mhvs 25, 93; adho --<br />

s"sa, head first J i.233. -- 2. highest part, top, front: bh(mi˚ hill, place of vantage Dpvs 15, 26; J ii.406;<br />

cankamana˚ head of the cloister Vism 121; sang!ma˚ front of the battle Pug 69; J i.387; megha˚ head of the<br />

cloud J i.103. In this sense also opposed to p!da (foot), e. g. sop!*a˚ head (& foot) of the stairs DhA i.115.<br />

Contrasted with sama (plain) Ps i.101 sq. -- 3. chief point Ps i.102. -- 4. panicle, ear (of rice or crops) A<br />

iv.169; DA i.118. -- 5. head, heading (as subdivision of a subject), as "chanda -- s"sa citta -- s"sa" grouped<br />

under chanda & citta Vism 376. Usually instr ˚s"sena "under<br />

-- 714 --<br />

the heading (or category) of," e. g. citta˚ Vism 3; paribhoga˚ J ii.24; saññ!˚ DhsA 200; kamma&&h!na˚ DhA<br />

iii.159. -- ânulokin looking ahead, looking attentively after something M i.147. -- !b!dha disease of the<br />

head Vin i.270 sq.; J vi.331. -- âbhit!pa heat in the head, headache Vin i.204. -- ka&!ha a skull D ii.297=M<br />

i.58; Vism 260=KhA 60; KhA 49. -- kalanda Miln 292. [Signification unknown; cp. kalanda a squirrel and<br />

kalandaka J vi.227; a blanket [cushion?] or kerchief.] -- cchavi the skin of the head Vin i.277. -- cola a<br />

headcloth, turban Mhvs 35, 53. -- cchejja resulting in decapitation A ii.241. -- ccheda decapitation, death J<br />

i.167; Miln 358. -- ppac!laka' swaying the head about Vin iv.188. -- parampar!ya with heads close<br />

together DhA i.49. -- virecana purging to relieve the head D i.12; DA i.98. -- ve&ha head wrap S iv.56. --<br />

ve&hana headcloth, turban M ii.193; s"save&ha id. M i.244=S iv.56. -- vedan! headache M i.243; ii.193.<br />

S"saka<br />

S"saka (nt.) [=s"sa] head, as adj. -- ˚ heading, with the head towards; uttaras"saka head northwards D ii.137;<br />

p!c"na˚ (of M!y!'s couch: eastward) J i.50. he&&h!s"saka head downwards J iii.13; dhammas"saka<br />

worshipping righteousness beyond everything Miln 47, 117.

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