The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pucimanda<br />

Pucimanda [fr. picumanda] the Nimba tree, Azadirachta Indica J iii.34; iv.205; vi.269 (˚than", of a woman=<br />

nimba -- phala -- sa*&h!na -- thana -- yuggal! C.).<br />

Pucca*.at!<br />

Pucca*.at! (f.) [p(ti+a*.a+t!, viâ *p(tya*.at!] state of a rotten egg M i.357.<br />

Puccha<br />

Puccha (nt.) [cp. Vedic puccha (belonging with punar to Lat. puppis) & P. piccha] a tail DhsA 365 (dog's<br />

tail). See puñcikata.<br />

Pucchaka<br />

Pucchaka (adj.) [fr. p%ch] asking, questioning DhsA 2, 3 (pañha˚).<br />

Pucchati<br />

Pucchati [p%cch, cp. Vedic p%cchati=Lat. posco, postulo, with which connected also Lat. precor=Goth.<br />

fraihnan; Ohg. fr!g0n; Vedic pra$na=P. pañha] 1. to ask, to question S i.207, 214; Vin ii.207; Sn 995; Nd1<br />

341 etc. -- Pres. 1st sg. pucch!mi Sn 83, 241, 682, 1043, 1049; Nd2 447: Pv ii.112. -- 1st pl. pucch!ma Sn<br />

1052; Imper. puccha Sn 460; DA i.155; pucchatha D ii.154; pucchassu Sn 189, 993; Pot. puccheyy!mi D<br />

i.51; puccheyya A i.199; PvA 6; ppr. pucchanto Sn 1126; aor. 1st sg. apucchissa' Sn 1116, pucchisa' Vv<br />

3011, apucchi' VvA 127; 2nd sg. apucchasi Sn 1050; 3rd sg. apucchi Sn 1037, apucchasi Nd2 447; pucchi<br />

Sn 981, 1031; PvA 6, 39, 68; apucchatha Sn 1017; 1st. pl. apucchimha Sn 1052. 3rd pl. pucchi'su J i.221;<br />

pucchisu' Mhvs 10, 2. Fut. pucchiss!mi J vi.364. Inf. pucchitu' Vin i.93; Sn 510; pu&&hu' Sn 1096, 1110;<br />

pucchit!ye J v.137. Grd. pucchavho Sn 1030; Pass. pucchiyati DhA i.10. -- Caus. II. pucch!peti Mhvs 10,<br />

75. -- pp. pu&&ha & pucchita (q. v.). -- 2. to invite to (instr.), to offer, to present to somebody (acc.), lit. to<br />

ask with Vin ii.208, 210 (p!niyena); iii.161 (odanena, s(pena etc.); D ii.240. -- See also anu˚, abhi˚, sam˚.<br />

Pucchana<br />

Pucchana (nt.) & ˚! (f.) [fr. p%ch] asking, enquiring, questioning Sn 504 (!); PvA 121, 223.<br />

Pucch!<br />

Pucch! (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. p%cch!=Ohg. forsca question] a question Sn 1023; SnA 46, 200, 230. A system<br />

of questions ("questionnaire") is given in the Niddesa (and Commentaries), consisting of 12 groups of three<br />

questions each. In full at Nd1 339, 340=Nd2 under pucch! (p. 208). <strong>The</strong> first group comprises the three<br />

adi&&ha -- jotan! pucch!, di&&ha -- sa6sandan! p., vimaticchedan! p. <strong>The</strong>se three with addition of anumati p.<br />

and kathetu -- kamyat! p. also at DA i.68=DhsA 55. <strong>The</strong> complete list is referred to at SnA 159. -- apuccha<br />

(adj.) that which is not a question, i. e. that which should not be asked Miln 316. -- puccha -- vissajjan!<br />

question and answer PvA 2. -- At Nett 18 p. occurs as quâsi synonym of icch! and patthan!.<br />

Pucchita<br />

Pucchita [pp. of pucchati] asked Sn 76, 126, 383, 988, 1005; Nd1 211; KhA 125 (˚kath!); PvA 2, 13, 51. Cp. pu&&ha.<br />


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