The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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aparapaccay! (k. of the non -- effect of causation through lack of cause) S ii.17, 78; iii.135; v.179, 422 sq.<br />

(= samm!di&&hi), same as ahetu -- ñ!*a S v.126; as!dh!ra*a (incomparable, uncommon k.) A iii.441; PvA<br />

197; akuppa D iii.273; ariya A iii.451;<br />

-- 288 --<br />

pariyod!ta S i.198; bhiyyosomatta S iii.112; yath! bh(ta' (proper, definite, right k.) (concerning k!ya, etc.)<br />

S v.144; A iii.420; v.37. -- (d) knowledge of, about or concerning, consisting in or belonging to, is<br />

expressed either by loc. or -- ˚ (equal to subj. or obj. gen.). -- (a) with loc.: anupp!de ñ. D iii.214, 274;<br />

anvaye D iii.226, 277; k!ye D iii.274; khaye D iii.214, 220 (!sav!na'; cp. M i.23, 183, 348; ii.38), 275; S<br />

ii.30; Nett 15; cutûpap!te D iii.111, 220; dukkhe (etc.) D iiii.227; S ii.4; v.8, 430; dhamme D iii.226; S<br />

ii.58; nibb!ne S ii.124 (cp. iv.86). -- (b) as -- ˚: an!vara*a˚ DA i.100; ariya S i.228; A iii.451; khanti Ps<br />

i.106; j!tissara J i.167; cutûpap!ta M i.22, 183, 347; ii.38, etc.; ceto -- pariya D iii.100, & ˚pariy!ya S<br />

v.160; dibbacakkhu Ps i.114; dhamma&&hiti S ii.60, 124; Ps i.50; nibbid! Ps i.195; pubbe -- niv!sânusati M<br />

i.22, 248, 347; ii.38, etc.; Buddha˚ Nd2 2353; Ps i.133; ii.31, 195; DA i.100; sabbaññuta Ps i.131 sq.; DA<br />

i.99 sq.; PvA 197; sekha S ii.43, 58, 80, & asekha S iii.83. -- (e) aññ!*a wrong k., false view, ignorance,<br />

untruth S i.181; ii.92; iii.258 sq.; v.126; A ii.11; Sn 347, 839; Ps i.80; Pug 21; Dhs 390, 1061; see avijj! &<br />

micch!di&&hi. -- indriya the faculty of cognition or understanding Dhs 157; -- ûpapanna endowed with k. Sn<br />

1077 (=Nd2 266b ˚upeta); -- kara*a (adj.) giving (right) understanding, enlightening, in combn w.<br />

cakkhukara*a (giving (in) -- sight, cp. "your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be knowing good and evil"<br />

Gen. 35): kusalavitakk! anandha -- kara*! cakkhu˚ ñ!*a˚ It 82; f. -- " (of majjhim! -- pa&ipad!) S iv.331; --<br />

cakkhu the eye of k. PvA 166; -- j!la the net of k., in phrase ñ!*aj!lassa anto pavi&&ha coming within the<br />

net, i. e. into the range of one's intelligence or mental eye (clear sight) DhA i.26; ii.37, 58, 96; iii.171, 193;<br />

iv.61; VvA 63; -- dassana "knowing and seeing," "clear sight," i. e. perfect knowledge; having a vision of<br />

truth, i. e. recognition of truth, philosophy, (right) theory of life, all -- comprising knowledge. Defined as<br />

tisso vijj! (see above 2) at Vin iv.26; fully discussed at DA i.220, cp. also def. at Ps ii.244. -- Vin ii.178.<br />

(parisuddha˚;+!j"va, dhammadesan!, veyy!kara*a); iii.90 sq.; v.164, 197; D i.76#(following after the<br />

jh!nas as the first step of paññ!, see paññ! -- sampad!); iii.134, 222 (˚pa&il!bha), 288 (˚visuddhi); M i.195<br />

sq.; 202 sq., 482; ii.9, 31; Nett 17, 18, 28; see also vimutti˚; -- dassin one who possesses perfect k. Sn 478; -<br />

- patha the path of k. Sn 868; -- phusan! experience, gaining of k. DhA i.230; -- bandhu an associate or<br />

friend of k. Sn 911; -- bh(ta in comb" w. cakkhubh(ta, having become seeing & knowing, i. e. being wise S<br />

ii.255; iv.94; A v.226 sq.; -- vatth(ni (pl.) the objects or items of (right) knowledge which means k. of the<br />

pa&iccasamupp!da or causal connection of phenomena. As 44 (i. e. 4 X 11, all constituents except avijj!, in<br />

analogy to the 4 parts of the ariyasacc!ni) S ii.56 sq., as 77 (7 X 11) S ii.59 sq.; discussed in extenso at Vbh<br />

306 -- 344 (called ñ!*avatthu); -- v!da talk about (the attainment of supreme) knowledge D iii.13 sq.; A<br />

v.42 sq.; -- vippayutta disconnected with k. Dhs 147, 157, 270; -- vimokkha emancipation through k. Ps<br />

ii.36, 42; -- visesa distinction of k., superior k. PvA 196; -- sampayutta associated with k. Dhs 1, 147, 157,<br />

etc.; Vbh 169 sq., 184, 285 sq., 414 sq.<br />

Ñ!*ika<br />

Ñ!*ika (adj.) in pañca˚ having five truths (of sam!dhi) D iii.278.<br />

Ñ!*in<br />

Ñ!*in (adj.) knowing, one who is possessed of (right) knowledge S ii.169; A ii.89 (samm!˚); iv.340. --<br />

aññ!*in not knowing, unaware VvA 76.<br />

Ñ!ta<br />

Ñ!ta [pp. of j!n!ti=Gr. gnwto/s, Lat. (g)notus; ajñ!ta (P. aññ!ta) = a)/gnwtos= ignotus] known, well --<br />

known; experienced, brought to knowledge, realized. In Nd2 s. v. constantly expl. by tulita tirita vibh(ta<br />

vibh!vita which series is also used as expln. of di&&ha & vidita A v.195; J i.266; Sn 343 (+yasassin); Miln<br />

21 (id.). -- aññ!ta not known, unknown Vin i.209; M i.430; S ii.281; DhA i.208.

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